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This 'town' needs a MODERATOR!

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  • This 'town' needs a MODERATOR!

    My 'Brothers'.

    A storm is brewing.
    I fear our fine FORUM (and possibly the 'good name' of cigar smokers EVERYWHERE!) is in grave danger.

    You see, I believe we have reached a 'crisis point'... a time where we must 'act'... 'defend' our 'honour', 'rights' and 'reputations'... before our very 'freedoms' to enjoy the pleasures of a fine (Cuban) cigar are finally and forever, revoked.

    I ask you my 'Bothers' (and 'Sisters'), is it not bad enough, that we are forced to endure the ridicule, persecution and prejudice of the 'brain-washed', non-smoking masses?
    Must we play into the hands of 'public opinion' and 'legislators' by appearing like ill-educated buffoons... knuckle-dragging, inarticulate, grunting neanderthals... escapees from 'Jeremy Kyle'!!

    Sadly, how we are 'perceived' by the outside world (i.e. 'The Unbelievers') is important... it matters, it effects us ALL... and this FORUM gets lots of visitors.

    Do we really want to be seen as a bunch of 'dim-witted', 'dumb-asses'?

    I say 'NO'!

    Therefore, I propose we employ a MODERATOR (a fearless 'ass-kicking' type) and charge them with the responsibility of 'editing' some of the worst offenders.
    Those 'Posters' whose (ahem) 'contributions' are so woefully lacking in basic: English, comprehension, spelling and syntax, that it renders them almost unreadable!
    (It's a tiny minority, I know... but still..)

    I'm not saying we remove these posts, criticise or 'Ban' the *posters... Just that we just appoint a MOD to 'go in', on our behalf, and correct the: spelling, syntax, grammar, so that at least the 'post' makes some kind of sense to everyone else.

    I'd do it myself, but my 'brilliance' as a potential Moderator appears to have been overlooked...
    (It's still not too late to ask me... pucker up... and I'll get you a cushion to kneel on)

    So... In the absence of any other volunteers, could I therefore propose TJ as our 'Guardian of communication'?
    He has the 'cojones' to do it (if not the 'tact') and the responsibility might do him some good!
    (I'm sure his 'Pappy' would be proud).

    Let's see some hands.... all those 'For'?.... 'Against?

    *Compulsory sterilisation... now that's got legs!
    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

  • #2
    We have too many mods for the size of forum as it is, it's nothing personal!


    • #3
      welL sed el Kat

      a gud poynt weel maid


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deano View Post
        We have too many mods for the size of forum as it is, it's nothing personal!
        It's OK Deano, I appreciate your position... besides, crushing disappointment builds character.
        If you 'sack' any of them *though, give me a call.

        (*that Cohiba fella needs looking at if you ask me)
        Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
        Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


        • #5
          Yeh he's a trouble maker, I'll be watching


          • #6

            BAM! Take that, Grammar Nazi! I don't have to conform to your ways. If I want to split my infinitive then dammit, it's my right to shamelessly split it (get what I did there? I split my infinitive in my response ) If I want to spell "cigar" with 2 "g"s then I flippin' well will! I don't want no stinkin' moderators messin' with the free expression of my mind through my keyboard. Stay out of my mind, man!

            Also, I love Jeremy Kyle. That man is the cure for all of our social ills. JK for PM!

            PS. I secretly and irrationally hate bad grammar. Perhaps people should just take a few secs to proof-read their posts? Thx.
            I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
            And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
            Josh Ritter, "Other Side"


            • #7
              Originally posted by El Catador View Post

              (*that Cohiba fella needs looking at if you ask me)

              Love Life - Love Cigars


              • #8
                What ? is Syntax, is it the extortionate amount we pay the inland revenue for our simple pleasure.


                • #9
                  Language is a fluid organic member, not some ridged stick to beat-non-conformists with.

                  Do I get a prize for the ridiculous potential innuendo in my previous line of txt?

                  Deano - Make the cat a mod and who knows, he may be forgiven for some of his past misdemeanour's and post more. Who is that CIV fellow anyway?

                  El Sid - Be careful with that whole 'lets police every thread', some people really don't like it
                  Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                  Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                  Originally posted by Ryan
                  I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                    Deano - Make the cat a mod and who knows, he may be forgiven for some of his past misdemeanour's.
                    Don't you dare!
                    I'm strictly 'anti-establishment', it'd be the ruin of me.
                    (I'm easily corrupted by 'power' - I just don't see the point of it otherwise)

                    Besides.... Habitual 'Smiley abuse' - is more than just a 'misdemeanour' it's a 'Felony One' crime.
                    Punishable by having 'ones' cravat wearing privileges withdrawn. (Shudders).
                    I plead 'Guilty'... what can I say?

                    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                    El Sid - Be careful with that whole 'lets police every thread', some people really don't like it
                    Agreed. Let's just keep an 'eye' on the 'rogue elements' instead.
                    Not the 'threads' so much, more the incoherent babblings of certain *members...
                    (*members other than me, of course)

                    If necessary, I favour 'redirecting' their 'browsers' to an online 'Spell-checker' site.
                    (Or just having them painlessly euthanized... whatever works best for everyone else).

                    My work is done.

                    "To 'split-infinity'... and BEYOND!
                    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                      Language is a fluid organic member, not some ridged stick to beat-non-conformists with.

                      Do I get a prize for the ridiculous potential innuendo in my previous line of txt?
                      gv tht man a medl!

                      Short, sweet and provides a chuckle!


                      • #12
                        I'm quite happy to choke anyone out or berate and torment faggy trolls.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by El Catador View Post
                          Sadly, how we are 'perceived' by the outside world (i.e. 'The Unbelievers') is important... it matters, it effects us ALL... and this FORUM gets lots of visitors.

                          Do we really want to be seen as a bunch of 'dim-witted', 'dumb-asses'?

                          I say 'NO'!
                          Hear, hear!

                          We are online ambassadors for cigar smokers the world over and should always keep in mind that it's more than just the regular posters who read this forum.

                          I know that language is a fluid thing and it evolves through the generations but that's no excuse to post like a 6yo. It's not a matter of snobbery. Unless you've had the opportunity to meet other board members in real life, your posts are all that people can use to form an opinion of you. People just need to ponder a little more on how their posting style is reflecting on them.
                          "Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death." Ayn Rand


                          • #14
                            Contrarywise, this is an open and free forum, they guy had his, admittedly incoherent, say and we closed the thread and moved on.

                            Any out of order threads are jumped on pretty quickly, if you see something you don't like that hasn't been shut down use the "report to a moderator" button and we all get a PM.

                            Deano will decide if/when there is a vacancy and I would suggest that pushing yourself forward is not the best way to get to be a mod.

                            Having said that, it is not a state of grace with loads of additional benefits, it's just a badge and the ability to control a few extra bits of the forum, I am not sure what extra stuff you think you will get.
                            Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nicwing View Post
                              Deano will decide if/when there is a vacancy and I would suggest that pushing yourself forward is not the best way to get to be a mod.

                              Having said that, it is not a state of grace with loads of additional benefits, it's just a badge and the ability to control a few extra bits of the forum, I am not sure what extra stuff you think you will get.
                              Umn. (Rolls eyes)... err... I keep forgetting, not eveyone is familiar with the concept of 'Humour'.
                              Perhaps you should have read all of it...

                              (Wow... what a 'buzzkill')
                              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

