Dear esteemed Brethren and Brothers of the Leaf!
I come in peace.
Having witnessed the recent strife on the forums recently I have decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and offer my services as a potential candidate for MOD-dom, and in so-doing, prostrate myself (no, that isn't what I meant) before your kindness, begging for support in the hope you can make it happen.
I confess, my post count and term of membership is limited and recent, however, I believe the site now needs a 'new' voice of reason to pour lighter fluid on troubled waters (is that the right analogy?) and return harmony to our once welcoming and friendly forums.
(Think of me as an angel of peace, bringing light and hope to where once there was darkness and despair!)
In support of my application (or is it by invitation only?) I would like to put forward the following points:
1). I speak English really good and can spell lots of unfeasibly long words like: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thanks google).
2). I am of sound mind (the body might need a bit of work though) and have the evidence to prove it. My certificate of discharge from the asylum states 'has occasional lucid moments but should not be trusted around scissors'. (Can every other MOD here say the same? - I thought not).
3). I promise to uphold the 'Code of the BOTL' at all times, even if it involves deleting NSFW threads that personally brighten my day.
4). In addition, I also vow that my pathological need for attention and lust for POWER will not go to my head (even though I can't wait to have the last word in every thread I close - Muwhahaha!).
5). I will ensure that the correct use of 'smilies' in posts is adhered to at all times (Heaven forbid it gets out of hand again).
All those in favour of petitioning the 'management' to grant me the powers of a GOD!
Say 'Aye'

I thank yee!
Yours 'umbly
El Cat
I come in peace.
Having witnessed the recent strife on the forums recently I have decided to make the ultimate sacrifice and offer my services as a potential candidate for MOD-dom, and in so-doing, prostrate myself (no, that isn't what I meant) before your kindness, begging for support in the hope you can make it happen.
I confess, my post count and term of membership is limited and recent, however, I believe the site now needs a 'new' voice of reason to pour lighter fluid on troubled waters (is that the right analogy?) and return harmony to our once welcoming and friendly forums.

In support of my application (or is it by invitation only?) I would like to put forward the following points:
1). I speak English really good and can spell lots of unfeasibly long words like: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thanks google).
2). I am of sound mind (the body might need a bit of work though) and have the evidence to prove it. My certificate of discharge from the asylum states 'has occasional lucid moments but should not be trusted around scissors'. (Can every other MOD here say the same? - I thought not).
3). I promise to uphold the 'Code of the BOTL' at all times, even if it involves deleting NSFW threads that personally brighten my day.
4). In addition, I also vow that my pathological need for attention and lust for POWER will not go to my head (even though I can't wait to have the last word in every thread I close - Muwhahaha!).
5). I will ensure that the correct use of 'smilies' in posts is adhered to at all times (Heaven forbid it gets out of hand again).
All those in favour of petitioning the 'management' to grant me the powers of a GOD!

Say 'Aye'

I thank yee!
Yours 'umbly
El Cat