In the eye of the observer.
(Ahem!) In all seriousness, muchachos....the quality post thing mostly applies to
knewbees trying to reach the required PM level with one or two word posts. It raises red flaggs as to their intent.
The purpose of the posting level is to ensure that PM authority is awarded only to those who demonstrate a desire and commitment to be part of this fine community, rather than to sell fauxhibas or other such crap via PMs.
Of course, after achieving PM status, all bets are off, as evidenced by the..., well, shall we say less-than-quality posts from some of our fine members (
), including a few from the
Coro Clan!
Perro, el Perro
Originally posted by Jacobwaits
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The purpose of the posting level is to ensure that PM authority is awarded only to those who demonstrate a desire and commitment to be part of this fine community, rather than to sell fauxhibas or other such crap via PMs.

Of course, after achieving PM status, all bets are off, as evidenced by the..., well, shall we say less-than-quality posts from some of our fine members (
