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  • avatar pics

    good evening all,ive tried uploading several pictures for my avatar whilst having a smoke in the garden with no joy,is it the format the iphone uses as ive tried downscaling the file size.

    any help appreciated and sorry if this has been discussed before but i could not find any menton within this section of the forum
    "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543

  • #2
    sorry im thinking the format cant be a problem now as i can see the image within the cp but when i click save changes im informed the file cannot be uploaded.

    any help appreciated
    "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


    • #3
      If you are using your iPhone then I would say that is the problem as the OS isn't really compatible with uploading files to websites through safari.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      • #4
        i took the photo then emailed it to myself from the phone,i then tried to upload on the laptop via IE.if you have any ideas please feel free to drop them here and i'll try them
        "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


        • #5
          Try a different browser, I use safari mainly but also have firefox and chrome. Not sure if it is the website or browser settings but if I have problems with a site a I usually fix it with using a different browser. Also check the size in pixels of your photo as I think it has to be smaller than 600 to be used. May have to downsize it

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          • #6
            If the image is showing in your control panel edit avater section then do not click on save changes, it should be loaded.


            • #7
              Try this, it may help

              Free the UKCF one


              • #8
                lol love it
                "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


                • #9
                  hold on though we have progress,now i have a profile pic just need to work out how to attach it to my posts so people can pity my elephant man esque looks
                  "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


                  • #10
                    well f@ck a duck i did it,thanks for all the help-always been a bit of a technophobe sorry
                    "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


                    • #11
                      Ahhh thats better


                      • #12
                        Senor Picture!

                        Jesus H. Christ! I liked you better without an avatar....

                        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                          Jesus H. Christ! I liked you better without an avatar....
                          Maybe the crazy Mexican has a point . . .

                          You thought about getting a disguise? Possibly a hat or an eye-patch?

                          P.S. Welcome to the forums you handsome devil!
                          Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                          Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

