OK I think I've sussed the connection stuff - its worse than the software! I'll need to do some soldering!!
The test was a success! I had to hold the sensor against the pins with my hand to get a connection with the pins, but this is just a test. But I can get some readings from the sensor using some code. That's the key thing!!
And with one hand - power back up and run the initial tests...
This command reports the hardware address of the sensor if its found - 40 in this case. So the connection is good.
Screenshot from 2018-02-18 18-56-40.png
So now we can run some python commands to get some humidity and temp values - the values seem a bit out but ill try to figure out why...
(This is what the Python3 shell looks like)
Screenshot from 2018-02-18 18-57-46.jpg
For those with the eagle eyes - I breathed at the sensor to see what it reads. The reading went up to 97% humidity and dropped back to the base level 23% after a few moments.
And in order to get to this point had to do some more setup on the Pi Zero... so here goes again:
1. Enable I2C and GPIO functions
- Run the configuration utility https://www.raspberrypi.org/document...aspi-config.md
- I enabled the I2C and remote GPIO (may not need the latter, not sure) both done from the Interfacing Options menu item.
- Restart the PI Zero after doing this.
2. Install some Python3 drivers and the GPIO drivers
- WTF is Python?!? See https://wiki.python.org/moin/FrontPage
- Run the following commands to do so:
sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio python3-pip python-smbus i2c-tools
pip3 install htu21df
Now you can test to check the sensor is connected:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
And get some readings:
python3 -m htu21.htu21
The test was a success! I had to hold the sensor against the pins with my hand to get a connection with the pins, but this is just a test. But I can get some readings from the sensor using some code. That's the key thing!!
And with one hand - power back up and run the initial tests...
This command reports the hardware address of the sensor if its found - 40 in this case. So the connection is good.
Screenshot from 2018-02-18 18-56-40.png
So now we can run some python commands to get some humidity and temp values - the values seem a bit out but ill try to figure out why...
(This is what the Python3 shell looks like)
Screenshot from 2018-02-18 18-57-46.jpg
For those with the eagle eyes - I breathed at the sensor to see what it reads. The reading went up to 97% humidity and dropped back to the base level 23% after a few moments.
And in order to get to this point had to do some more setup on the Pi Zero... so here goes again:
1. Enable I2C and GPIO functions
- Run the configuration utility https://www.raspberrypi.org/document...aspi-config.md
- I enabled the I2C and remote GPIO (may not need the latter, not sure) both done from the Interfacing Options menu item.
- Restart the PI Zero after doing this.
2. Install some Python3 drivers and the GPIO drivers
- WTF is Python?!? See https://wiki.python.org/moin/FrontPage
- Run the following commands to do so:
sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio python3-pip python-smbus i2c-tools
pip3 install htu21df
Now you can test to check the sensor is connected:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
And get some readings:
python3 -m htu21.htu21