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Hello from Kansas City, MO USA

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  • #16

    Originally posted by neuticles View Post
    I and have in excess of 125 boxes
    I want to bear your love child.


    • #17
      welcome to the forum


      • #18
        Welcome to the forum Greg


        • #19
          Hello Gregg and to the UKCF from The House Of Cigarsmoke


          • #20
            Originally posted by cj121 View Post
            Welcome to UKCF Greg.

            That's some cigar collection you have going on!

            With you being a wacky inventor, does that mean some of your creations are wacky too? What kind of things have you invented?

            Thanks for your remarks.

            In 1994 I invented Neuticles which are testicular implants for pets. Many people are opposed to the traditional method of neutering their pets which requires the permanaent removal of that body part. With Neuticles, the pet can retain his identity and self esteem without looking like a eunich. To date, over 380,000 dogs, cats, horses, bulls and other animals have been Neuticled in all 50 US States and 49 countries around the World. I know some readers are gasping in shock as one is taken aback when hearing about Neuticles for the first time. But in short, it is encouraging neuter hesitant pet owners to neuter that would not before and as a result pet overpopulation is being reduced to some degree and those Neuticled pets are living longer, happier and healthier lives.

            In 2005 I was awarded the the IG Nobel Peace Prize for Medicine. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) saw it on the news and BANNED NEUTICLES in the UK ! this wasn't very nice of them.

            I have also created eye implants for animals that lose an eye for whatver reason and
            just recently introduced PermaStay Ear Implants for pets with ears that should stand up but dont. Certain breeds, Dobermans, Boxers, Great Danes- to name a few- have their ears cropped as puppies so they stand up straight. For one reason or another they still bend which drives the pet owner crazy. PermaStay corrects that problem and is very humane and safe.

            And, I developed ScarGon which is a gel to eliminate post surgical scars on pets after the neutering process.


            • #21
              Originally posted by bnelly View Post
              Welcome Gregg, look forward to you sharing some photos of your collection
              Hi Bnelly!
              Yes, as soon as I figure out where to post pics I will. I have two 4 foot wide commercial cabinets with LED lighting. Glass fronts with storage units at the bottom. Its like having my own little cigar store.


              • #22
                Welcome my friend


                • #23
                  That is some very crazy inventing indeed...Im not sure what I want to see more, neuticles or your cigar collection!

                  This should be an easy choice for most sane people


                  • #24
                    Hi Greg. Welcome to the forum and prepare to spend even more money!!!
                    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                    CS Parnell


                    • #25
                      Welcome Gregg!
                      I was wondering the reason for the handle.
                      I already knew what neuticles were


                      • #26
                        Welcome from another newby


                        • #27
                          Hi Gregg...

                          Welcome to the UKCF...

                          Cheers, HabanoSy


                          • #28
                            Welcome Gregg!

                            Good to have you here!

                            Nice collection, look forward to seeing pics!

                            Great inventions by the way! I have a friend who did the Neuticles implants for his dog.


                            • #29
                              welcome to the forum and is it possible to invent one of the standy up things for other body parts as viagra is expensive over here.
                              I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by 68TriShield View Post
                                Welcome Gregg!
                                I was wondering the reason for the handle.
                                I already knew what neuticles were
                                hi 68

                                i created neuticles way back in 1993.

