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Lapsed Forum-er, Returning

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  • Lapsed Forum-er, Returning

    Hello, All

    I used to be a regular back in about 2004-06, went through a bit of personal trauma with an ex, and just lost the habit, and the time. I used to post regular reviews of the cigars I smoked, but I think they were all pre-2008, which is when the reviews on this site commence, and, if memory serves, they were actually on another site which may have fallen by the way-side.

    I remember Serie Steve, Howling and Andy (from Cornwall), but am struggling to drag any other names up from the depths. I wonder if you're all still around?

    Funny thing is, I think I kept my reviews on a CD somewhere. It might be interesting to dig it out and see what we thought about those cigars some 12 years ago, if I can find it two house moves on.

    I smoked throughout my sojourn, and went to Cuba last November, before the Yanks move in with the bulldozers, "improving" the place. Havana is still fantastic, and I splurged a stack of cash on as many cigars as I could get home, from a Casa on Mercederes (Conde de la Villa Nueve?) - they're all laid down right now, gathering a bit of age.

    I have missed the badinage of proper cigar-smokers, guys, and wonder whether you would allow me to pick it up again?

  • #2
    Hello and welcome back, I am sure there are a few old timers here you will remember


    • #3
      I think I remember you Monty, might have even purchased a couple of sticks from you, anyway welcome back.
      "The best cigar you'll ever smoke is the one you're smoking at the minute" - Zino Davidoff


      • #4
        Wrong Number!

        Originally posted by Monty View Post
        Hello, All

        I used to be a regular back in about 2004-06...I remember Serie Steve, Howling and Andy (from Cornwall), but am struggling to drag any other names up from the depths. I wonder if you're all still around?
        Hi Monty. Are you sure you're in the right place? I believe the UKCF went on-line in June 2008.

        Ricky Bobby
        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


        • #5
          Welcome back to the forum. Is it Andy B?

          I can't remember the forum/group name that eludes you, but someone will at some point. Stick about and get stuck in
          "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


          • #6
            Thanks for the warm welcome, lads.

            Gary, it's quite possible - a few of us did the occasional box-share. I still have a few Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro's from one of them, box-dated 2004. They should be about ready to smoke now! They're still in the humi because the smoking ban has forced us all either outside or into our living rooms, rendering a 60-minute smoke a bit of a headache to pull off for one reason and another.

            TJ, you're absolutely right - it was a previous incarnation, and I'm not sure how or why the site folded, but I am aware that a few regulars migrated over to here. I first registered here in 2008 and touched base with a few of the "old crew" before losing touch again.

            I began smoking and collecting "proper" cigars for my 40th birthday - 14 years ago now - and the beauty of the whole thing is that I'm still learning all about them. I made a point of trying as many cigars as I could, looking for my "signature" smoke and am still unconvinced as to whether settling on a single cigar is the right way forward. I've learned that I cannot get on with Bolivars, Partagas and Punch, I know that much.

            Cohiba caused me to fall out of love with Cubans for awhile. I thought I was buying the best and became disillusioned with their poor draws and construction, and off I went to sample NCs for some time. But the very best NC is just not as good as the best Cuban, and I came back.

            I've now kind of settled on Epicure No.2's as a go-to smoke, throwing in some Edmundo's for variety, and H Upmann Minors and Majors for shorter smokes.

            My best smoke to date? A pal and I fired up a Siglo VI each at his wedding in 2013. It was a good day, with great weather and good food, good friends, and it may have been the good vibe that made that cigar, at that time, the best I have had so far. I wish I could afford to smoke them more regularly.

            It's good to be thinking and talking about cigars again. I fear I may have rambled in my enthusiasm, so...


            • #7
              Monty the old club was called Club Havana & there are just a couple of us left here now, myself & Martyn Cannon who was known as Robusto? You'll find the guys just as friendly here, if not more so, I am sure you'll settle back in with no trouble. The Sig VI is a mighty fine smoke indeed & smoked in such pleasant conditions I can imagine how it impressed you so much. Catch you around the forum.
              Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


              • #8
                What the doctor ordered.

                Originally posted by Monty View Post
                Thanks for the warm welcome, lads.

                It's good to be thinking and talking about cigars again... I fear I may have rambled in my enthusiasm, so...
                Are you kidding, Monty? Your post is just what this place needs. Kind of reminds me of the type of posts (based on my reading of the archives) that you and other old timers used to post - old timers like el Catador, don TJ and the Coros, Trippexx, and Robusto.

                Let's keep the fire burning!

                Ricky Bobby
                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                • #9
                  Two for one?

                  Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
                  Monty the old club was called Club Havana & there are just a couple of us left here now, myself & Martyn Cannon who was known as Robusto?
                  Umm, you may be mistaken Simon Bolivar, or are there TWO Robustos?

                  The only Robusto I see around here is a mod who sadly, hasn't posted up in a while.

                  Ricky Bobby
                  sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                    Umm, you may be mistaken Simon Bolivar, or there were TWO Robustos!

                    The only Robusto I see around here is a mod who sadly, hasn't posted up in a while.

                    Ricky Bobby
                    Quite a few of those RB
                    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                    • #11
                      The Cheese Stands Alone!

                      Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                      Quite a few of those RB
                      I hear that, PeeJay....which is why I say Thank Gerd for CJ121, a mods mod!

                      Ricky Bobby
                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • #12
                        Hi Monty....welcome back. O wouldn't say rambling like RB said it's what is needed I'm here..I enjoy reading Simons stories....and seem like you will have some good stories too.

                        So how is your collection looking now? The fact you have a box that's been sleeping for about 12 years already is amazing to me...but one I'm hoping to accomplish going forward as time goes on

                        Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


                        • #13
                          Welcome back [MENTION=2077]Monty[/MENTION]


                          • #14
                            Welcome back to the forum Monty.


                            • #15
                              Welcome back Monty

