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Hello from Sussex

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  • Hello from Sussex

    One evening to change everything. That?s what happened to me. One good meal, and then a hedonistic ?why not?? at a proffered Montecristo, and I was done for.

    I was never staunchly anti-smoking (I did and do find cafes strangely sterile these days). I?ve had exes who smoked snd the current MLW is an ex smoker, current vapour. It was never a deal breaker for me. I just never bothered to pick up the habit.

    Instead, I picked up a hobby. My photography career was on the wane, as digital images and really high quality phones cameras bit into things I used to do. Photos had been a hobby and a bit of a calling, but as some might know, its not cheap.

    So anyway, I?d had this fabulous meal at the Pig in the Forest, and at the end of their menu is a ?puffing section? of things to take out into the heated, covered outdoor smoking area. And I decided, there and then, already being something of a whisky fan, to see what the fuss was.

    I think it might have been a Montecristo Club, a mere morsel, but it came in a little jar, with a box of EMS matches, all in a velvet lined case. It felt like a special occasion, and having brought in my luggage a bottle of Glenfiddich 18 year old, I figured it was time to try this ?pairing? I?d heard about.

    The good lady wife, being the ex smoker, did the business and passed it over, and that was it. There was a whole world where tobacco and whisky meet that needed exploring. I?m of limited means, but have few other vices, so why not? So from never having smoked ever, I?m smoking a cigar a day on these good summer days, one year later.

    Anyhow, after that little preamble. Here I am, I?m Alex, I live in South East England and I do a jack of all trades job looking after disabled people, including my wife. It is hard work, and stressful, but often rewarding enough to be worth it. Specifically, at the moment I support the function of an art facility where people with severe and enduring mental ill health can come and be creative.

    I try when I?m well enough and able enough (I have a moderate disability of my own), to be outdoorsy, I do a little woodsmanly work for a friend, a little light pest control (mostly with air rifle for the challenge) on the same friend?s land.

    When it comes to smokes, well, it depends on the season. I discovered the joy of pipe smoke over the winter (something my mother had been waiting to happen to me for years, I think I might be one of life?s natural pipesmokers? I hope that?d be considered a compliment). This summer though, I?ve been working through my stash.

    I was lucky to power up the stash in Cyprus at the LCDH there early in the year, and had some friends go to Gesto a few weeks after that, so I went from one humidor to a stack of tuppadors. Apparently the lady at Gesto on being presented with my typed list by my friend thought I had good taste...maybe she says that to everyone.

    I?m not NC / CC Militant, though on the experience overall, I?ll take a Cuban. My current favourites are Vegueros Mananitas and Entretiempos, HDM Petit Robustos, and Rafael Gonzalez Perlas. I wouldn?t turn down a HUHC or a Monte 5 either. The non-Cubans in my stash tend to be more budget conscious ?go to? day-to-day smokes. I have to say I?m a current fan of the Torano Palmita and the Don Tomas Rothschild, not that I?m advertising for our benefactor, but they?re actually pretty damn good (IMHO). I also rate the Luis Martinez Silver Selection as very decent NCs.

    I smoke Ennerdale and Best Brown No2 (about 70/30 mixture) in a Rhodesian or a Zulu pipe most of the time, but can be tempted by other interesting things, now and again, and am still not certain of chocolate flake actually has any chocolate in it, but its pretty nice.

    I drink tea and...whisky. Talisker is probably my favourite, but I?d put a Glen Morangie 18 in there; Highland Park; Laphroig; Glengoyne 10. I?ve found I?m not a fan of Jura, and I don?t like the syruppy tendency of glenfiddich (despite the aformentioned halleluljah moment).

    I?ve prattled on at length, and said nearly nothing, so my Victorian sensibility remains in tact. I hope to have fun here.

  • #2
    Welcome onboard Mr Moose, that's heck of an intro! Think you'll fit right in here, take a seat, kick back & enjoy a RG perla or the RG Panatela Extra, which is an extremely decent smoke for even less
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


    • #3
      A warm welcome and an excellent introduction.


      • #4
        Welcome to the forum Alex.


        • #5

          Hello the Pondering Moose!

          Welcome to the UKCF! As a newbie myself, I've found that fun is what this place is all about!

          ...well, except for a few dudes

          Ricky Bobby
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #6
            Hello and welcome


            • #7
              Welcome to the forum and what a great intro mate

              Looking forward to seeing you on the boards. There's a decent bunch of lads on here, so indulge at your leisure
              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


              • #8
                "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)


                • #9
                  Welcome Alex...that's one hell of an intro.

                  The lads here are great and full of knowledge to help you through your cigar and pipe journey.

                  Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
                  Last edited by SHAMZ84; 26-07-2016, 06:54 AM.


                  • #10
                    Outstanding intro! Welcome to the best place to share stories, seek advice and discuss the leaf!

                    We all find the calling in mysterious ways!


                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      Hello and welcome. Outstanding intro


                      • #12
                        Hello and welcome [MENTION=13454433]the pondering moose[/MENTION], great intro, the forum and its members are a font of knowledge, welcome aboard, enjoy the ride...


                        • #13
                          It's nice to welcome a fellow Sussexite to the forum! However obscure the question someone on here will know the answer

                          Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            Welcome to the forum


                            • #15
                              Great informative intro, welcome to the forum [emoji106]

                              Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

