So, as the Cigar and Spirits Officer for my Real Ale Society, it fell upon me to arrange the first (of many) Society Herfs! A group of six of us met up at the Minerva Inn ? a fine drinking establishment in which you?d expect to find sawdust on the floor (and you would, but the locals have nicked it for insulation...)
After an enjoyable pint, the favourites being Doom Bar and HSD, we made our way down to the cobbled area of the Barbican. A few of the guys grabbed some fish?n?chips to keep them going. We joined the seventh member of our gang outside the Watering Hole, where Tinners Ale and Glenmorangie made up my evening?s drinking. As the supplier of the cigars, I had access to a seemingly endless supply of free drinks.
Anyway, we cracked on with Alonso Menendez No10s, one of my favourites at the moment (if I hadn?t already mentioned that...) Talking to each other we came to the conclusion which I had already made ? these are really pleasant, smooth cigars, which seem to be unbelievably consistent ? great draws all-round. Everyone enjoyed the cigar, and it was agreed that we had to arrange another herf (problem was, no-one could agree on when or how often ? monthly, fortnightly, every week...) It would be fair to say it had been a successful evening.
As proof of the evening?s success, we ended up moving on. And, in the manner which only such excellent socials can manage, I ended up back at home around 4am ? after making our way out to Union Street to follow the last closing times, then up to a student bar. We were (or more specifically I was) totally inappropriately dressed, having expected to be in bed by 11pm after a cigar outside a nice pub. I must be the only person ever to have left this club (called Cuba as it happens) in an overcoat and carrying an umbrella...
So, I shall post when the next Plymouth Herf is ? anyone?s welcome to attend, and hopefully we can get even more people out next time.
After an enjoyable pint, the favourites being Doom Bar and HSD, we made our way down to the cobbled area of the Barbican. A few of the guys grabbed some fish?n?chips to keep them going. We joined the seventh member of our gang outside the Watering Hole, where Tinners Ale and Glenmorangie made up my evening?s drinking. As the supplier of the cigars, I had access to a seemingly endless supply of free drinks.
Anyway, we cracked on with Alonso Menendez No10s, one of my favourites at the moment (if I hadn?t already mentioned that...) Talking to each other we came to the conclusion which I had already made ? these are really pleasant, smooth cigars, which seem to be unbelievably consistent ? great draws all-round. Everyone enjoyed the cigar, and it was agreed that we had to arrange another herf (problem was, no-one could agree on when or how often ? monthly, fortnightly, every week...) It would be fair to say it had been a successful evening.
As proof of the evening?s success, we ended up moving on. And, in the manner which only such excellent socials can manage, I ended up back at home around 4am ? after making our way out to Union Street to follow the last closing times, then up to a student bar. We were (or more specifically I was) totally inappropriately dressed, having expected to be in bed by 11pm after a cigar outside a nice pub. I must be the only person ever to have left this club (called Cuba as it happens) in an overcoat and carrying an umbrella...
So, I shall post when the next Plymouth Herf is ? anyone?s welcome to attend, and hopefully we can get even more people out next time.
