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CANCELLED: 1st Annual UKCF Shooting Herf - November 27th

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  • #46
    Excellent! A couple more takers since my last trip to the thread. Should be a good day if everyone can make it - will be good to see a couple of new faces too.

    When I'm back in the UK (next week) I'll confirm what H&H want to do regarding payment (I suspect I'll be asking for money soon then )
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting


    • #47
      Originally posted by simonjgriffithshr View Post
      Excellent! A couple more takers since my last trip to the thread. Should be a good day if everyone can make it - will be good to see a couple of new faces too.

      When I'm back in the UK (next week) I'll confirm what H&H want to do regarding payment (I suspect I'll be asking for money soon then )

      simon hope your having a great time on your hols, dont know if you've seen the post about a herf at ajays on the 30th he got a roller down there and has kindly invited anyone from the forum down.

      so if you can do it on another day, as the more meets the better


      • #48
        Second that thought!
        "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


        • #49

          Not sure what other dates I can do... Will see what else they've got available.
          My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
          My Company:
          Siparium Sporting


          • #50
            Okay then guys, the new date is set, the price is confirmed and the details are below.

            New Date: Saturday 20th November

            Time: Shooting 1.30-3.30, arrive for food and cigar from 12ish.

            Price: ?90 (inclusive of everything shooting related and lunch - previous price was shooting only, managed to work them down).

            Important bit:
            We need to pay in full to guarantee the booking. If there are 8 who book, then we're covered up to 12. Anyway, I'll open the booking up for a week, see where we are and then decide which way to go (with regards to the number of groups we'll need to have), and therefore whether to make the booking then and there or keep things open for a few more days.

            If you're still up for the shooting herf, add to the thread below and send me a PM about payment.

            My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
            My Company:
            Siparium Sporting


            • #51
              Bugger! That's the England v Samoa match so I'll be at Twickers!

              Shame I can't come shooting still I can now make the meet at Ajay's if it is still on.


              • #52
                Originally posted by peanutpete View Post
                simon hope your having a great time on your hols, dont know if you've seen the post about a herf at ajays on the 30th he got a roller down there and has kindly invited anyone from the forum down.

                so if you can do it on another day, as the more meets the better
                What's the drill for this meet? Do I need to register?


                • #53
                  Where will this take place simon? Also, I presume there will be guidance for begginers (like me)?
                  The running gears of a bopmachine


                  • #54
                    This is my kind of herf! I wish I could attend.


                    • #55
                      Will have to 'discuss' as the Lady has a concert that day and I'm usually expected to attend.


                      • #56
                        Shit! Belay my last. NEW DATE TO BE CONFIRMED SHORTLY. Thank you so much Soft Top - you just averted a cock-up of monumental proportions. I shall actually be at Twickenham myself for the Samoa match (easy enough to forget I suppose, inexcusable given that its a very good mate's stag do though... )

                        bop, we'll be shooting at Holland & Holland's ground - it seemed to garner most support when the options were given at the start of the thread, and became a no-brainer when it worked out to be (surprisingly) the best value of those I got quotes from... There will be instruction from the ground's instructors/coaches for those who are less experienced (or indeed just want a few pointers).
                        My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                        My Company:
                        Siparium Sporting


                        • #57
                          OK, that's kind of good news;

                          a. I might actually be able to make the shoot
                          b. I can now make the HERF at Ajay's
                          c. I am going to rugby and it's highly likely we'll win


                          • #58
                            Ok im up for this. For those who dont know where Holland and Holland is (as i didnt) its just outside of london, and can be reached by tube.


                            Warning i have never been sport shooting before...
                            The running gears of a bopmachine


                            • #59
                              As long as you keep the gun pointing away from everyone then we've got a good starting point.

                              Should be back with the new, new day by this afternoon.
                              My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                              My Company:
                              Siparium Sporting


                              • #60
                                Final Date: Saturday 27th November

                                Time: Shooting 1.30-3.30, arrive for food and cigar from 12ish.

                                Price: ?90 (inclusive of everything shooting related and lunch - previous price was shooting only, managed to work them down).

                                Important bit:
                                Add to this thread AND send me a PM to confirm that you would like to attend. I need payment asap, I'll make the booking myself to guarantee the facilities/instructors, but would obviously like to be out of pocket for as short a period as possible. Ask for details in PM.

                                The 'contact' goes on holiday on the 5th, so we need pretty much final details/numbers by then (with a little leeway obviously).

                                It'll be a great day, at a great ground. If you've got any questions, ask here, PM me or read the thread (ignoring references to dates, obviously... )
                                My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                                My Company:
                                Siparium Sporting

