Okay then guys, an idea which has been touched upon a couple of times, thought it's about time to try and get something rolling.
Dates: Towards the end of October, probably at a weekend (to allow for anyone travelling to attend). Possibly 23rd or 30th. I like the latter as it's just before my birthday, and nothing beats a birthday shoot (and cigar).
Venue: I'm currently talking to three grounds to try and sort something good out: Bisley, West London Shooting School and Holland & Holland. All very good locations for clay shooting.
Plan of Action: Meet up at the ground for lunch and a pre-shoot cigar. Then head off for a 100 ESP round in teams of three or four. Whatever is arranged, with regards to shooting, we'll have the option for non-shotgun certificate holders or new shots to get shooting too. Following the shoot, a celebratory (or commiseratory) cigar and drink. Where it goes from there is up for debate (down the pub for a meal and more cigars perhaps?)
What are people's thoughts? With regards to grounds, does anyone have any other suggestions (thinking that all of the above are fairly accessible - vital for me if no-one else). All three are excellent venues - I love Bisley's 'Colonial Clubhouse' for drinks/lunch. I would, however, love it if my request to have an opportunity for all to shoot a Holland & Holland (gratis) was given the go-ahead. After all, it's not often you get to shoot a gun that costs more than a Porche...
Dates: Towards the end of October, probably at a weekend (to allow for anyone travelling to attend). Possibly 23rd or 30th. I like the latter as it's just before my birthday, and nothing beats a birthday shoot (and cigar).
Venue: I'm currently talking to three grounds to try and sort something good out: Bisley, West London Shooting School and Holland & Holland. All very good locations for clay shooting.
Plan of Action: Meet up at the ground for lunch and a pre-shoot cigar. Then head off for a 100 ESP round in teams of three or four. Whatever is arranged, with regards to shooting, we'll have the option for non-shotgun certificate holders or new shots to get shooting too. Following the shoot, a celebratory (or commiseratory) cigar and drink. Where it goes from there is up for debate (down the pub for a meal and more cigars perhaps?)
What are people's thoughts? With regards to grounds, does anyone have any other suggestions (thinking that all of the above are fairly accessible - vital for me if no-one else). All three are excellent venues - I love Bisley's 'Colonial Clubhouse' for drinks/lunch. I would, however, love it if my request to have an opportunity for all to shoot a Holland & Holland (gratis) was given the go-ahead. After all, it's not often you get to shoot a gun that costs more than a Porche...
