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Possible Herf In Kent Soon, Like

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
    I'm down in Kent on the 15th and 16th. If anyone fancied it I could certainly get across Royal Tunbridge Wells on tuesday evening.
    That week is just about the only one I can't manage! Typical!


    • #17
      Well I was going to suggest a weekday evening and the 16th would suit me, Drew.

      Somebody enlighten me. Do you just turn up to this place? Reserve?

      Is it posh dress? Cufflinkesque?

      I could look all this up but would appreciate it from a savant.


      • #18
        Any enlightenment, please, before I Google myself?

        This is bound not to co-ordinate for everyone - always the case, especially mid-week-ish - so Drew I'm happy to recce there with you after an online dress code info-felch on the Tuesday.

        Anyone else available?
        If no other takers, I'll sort out details with you directly, Andy.


        • #19
          afraid im rehearsing on the tuesday, come to think of it will be on thursday and friday too
          ive tried time and again to find a way of smoking a cigar whilst practising guitar and theres just no way. bachs luite suites mock me


          • #20
            Apologies to interested and uninterested folks alike.
            I'm afraid I can't make this week after all due to a family bereavement.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Deano View Post
              I'd consider it, but quite a trek for me. It would be ideal if it was in Tonbridge Wells tbh, I think a lot more of us can make that. Might be a bit of a distance for you though.
              Just seen this in the Daily Telegraph today Deano, be warned!

              Dear Sir
              I have recently been informed by a 'friend' that some of the young oiks from an Internet Forum are planning a festival of Cigars in our fair Town. I have never heard the like! They will be lighting cigars and emitting their foul smoke over ROYAL Tonbridge Wells. This is likely to mean that we will be unable to leave the house while this debauched festival is on and it will mean the curtains have to be washed again. I can assure these ruffians that this is not how we do things down here and that my Lady wife and our Beddlington terrier Bertie will be getting out the burning crosses if they so much as strike up a match or reach for their travelling humidors.
              Col Tuffton Buffton, Royal Brigade of Transport Retd
              Dun Roamin
              Royal Tonbridge Wells
              Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


              • #22
                After the herf I'm gonna rape, pilage, purge and rape!


                • #23
                  Col Buffton seems a bit silly.

                  By burning crosses will he not be in violation of several health codes, polluting the evironment and emmiting "foul smoke"?


                  The Bear.

