Thanks CJ, I sent Martyn a PM & message via FB, which he picked up this evening so I am hoping for a swift resolution.
No announcement yet.
The Aftermath of MHGC 2015
Update: I have heard through third parties that Martyn has paid the outstanding monies into 5 different charities. He hasn't contacted me directly so I can only pass on hearsay. I guess no one will be too upset if it went to a different charity than advertised before & at the Herf i.e. Combat Stress but I would expect the receipts to be posted so all members can see their donations did indeed benefit charitable causes. I invite Martyn to attach his receipts to this thread; if any of you are in contact with him, you could pass this on.
Here's the monies UKFC has been paid to Combat Stress to date 03/09/12 ?354, 18/10/13 ?310, 30/04/14 ?400 & 2015 ?455 = grand total ?1,519. This sum was raised by donations of cigars & cigar accessories, initially mostly from myself but then by Martyn & various other generous members; I thank you all. I won't be organising any future charitable auctions or raffles on this site to avoid any possible embarrassment to Deano but I thank you all for your support & generosity for my favourite cause.Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
I have said nothing detrimental on this thread which I would consider to be classed as 'dirty laundry', just clearing my own yardarm PJ; as I asked for help & no one wanted to get involved. Transparency & clear accounting procedures should not be too much to expect when dealing with charitable donations. As far as I am concerned it's done & dusted & I for one won't be taking this any further but those who did donate & bought tickets should be aware of the situation. I have known Martyn for 10yrs & have never had any reason to doubt his word or his financial dealings. Which is why I can't understand why he didn't post when he made the donations or why he hasn't posted the receipts since being asked to do so or at least posted an explanation.Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
As an avid reader of UKCF & charity giver myself, who has worked in the seasonal commercial world. I’m fairly sure that Martyn’s responsibilities during probably what is his busiest time of the year has kept his mind concentrated on more demanding things than UKCF, uploading acknowledgment’s & receipts from nominated charities. I’m sure that when the fog of the New Year celebrations clears he will be attending to his must do list
That said, perhaps one or two of his cigar dealing friends who are possibly in personal contact might wish to give him a friendly reminder
Happy New Year to You AllCigars & Forums mean all things to all men !
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostDiscussing things like this is open forum just embarrasses the whole forum, gentlemen should work it out between themselves [MENTION=13417760]Wigan[/MENTION].
Really all that has happened is Simon has posted his receipts and has asked for a confirmation of where the other monies have gone. Is that really such an onerous task?
It was other forum members money after all and so transparency is nothing to steer away from on the matter.
Saying that, i wasnt there and havent been involved in any way physically or financially..... So I have no horse in this race as they say.
Hopefully whatever "this" is will be put to bed in short order and we can crack on with all being friendly over a smoke ASAP.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
The gentlemen it involves is in fact the 20 or 30 people who attended and helped raise the cash. How do you propose we do that in private?
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