SAM_4586.jpgMarc in the smart tweedSAM_4580.jpgShelley in fine formSAM_4589.jpgMarc & Mo, yes I did take one decent one of you!SAM_4577.jpgSAM_4583.jpgSAM_4578.jpgMonkey on the left.SAM_4576.jpgSAM_4573.jpgSAM_4574.jpgSAM_4575.jpgJust started this new thread as the original is mega long now. Apologies for the delay but life has been very hectic sine I left at Midnight for the Hilton. But back on the rig now & just got my photos prepared.
I am only going to name the few names I am certian of, for thiose who I met for the first time, it'll probably take another herf or two until I remember you all.
Please post any unpublished pics below & add any names that I have omitted.
I know those who couldn't make it don't like it forever being rubbed in but I have been to a few herfs sine 2006 & this was up there at the top. Having Martyn to organise & provide the venue was a big plus & always the trickest part of getting a herf meet together. Sure others will want to organise other meets elsewhere, maybe in the at grey & misty land North of Watford but it would be good if we can manage at one mega herf say May/June, I for one would make the effort to come over.
I drove the family up first thing & Martyn met me at the Hilton to divi up Larryson's stash. This was an essentail part of the day as the sticks we chose not to keep would be auctioned off that evening. The cigars had been sent in the humi, with great packing & although I had removed the external packaging to get it into the car, I hadn't opened it before Martyn arrived. My wife & daughter watched on as two big kids drooled over the contents. It was almost as difficult as AdeUk's stash to decide to let any go but in the end I hope we did a fair split.
Martyn then disappeared to get things started & I had to go & take the ladies down to Holburn to see the museum that my daughter had wanted to see. Any guesses?SAM_4571.jpg
Once we got back to the hotel, Moondancer was waiting for us with his wife & after a not so quick coffee, we jumped into a taxi to the herf & the ladies went in another to the Watford Mall & laid it too waste!
By the time we arrived, the party had been going for several hrs for some & longer for others. After some quick introductions I pulled out a RA Slendi '01, the weather at this stage was doubtful, black clouds threatening to shower passed by & it was rather cool one minute, then the sun would come out for a while & begining to warm us up. The Slendi was a good starter but as usual, I was talking more than smoking so many re-lights. SAM_4572.jpg
Then Martyn broke out the Spainish Secretos '13 EL's. When I smelled the just opened box, I did notice the ammonia on these green cigars & wouldn't normally have smoked them so young myself but when in Watford...SAM_4581.jpg They were a pleasent little pre-prandial smoke & went down fine.
Off to the resturant & we were ushured into a privite dining room. Again another big plus this venue for herfing. Not having to worry about not annoying other patrons & able to carry out our business without interuption. After the starter we held the raffle. Money from some NC's old cigar boxes & vairious other paraphinallia was duely auctioned off for the grand sum of ?400. This money will be going off to Combat Stress shortly. Many thanks again for this generous response, it was especially pleasing that everyone took part. It was the longest raffle draw I have ever attended though, I think I went around the whole compnay 2 1/2 times getting tickets drawn & my voice nearly disappeared for the whole weekend!
Some very lucky, everyone got lucky at least once.
Main course & to be honest my steak was over done & without sauce was rather dry. After the main the cigar auction. Some cigars went in pairs, the Secretos in 5's. The Davidoff's didn't reach the heights we had hoped for but turns out Butters' swept the filed having already secured two from me, managed another one on the night. Who got the 4th? Hope they prove worth it guys.
After desert it was back to the serious business of herfing & Moondance produced a lovley pair of pre- banded Hoyo Epi No 2's from '02. I really love these & it was a gem. These were my first Cubans after Monte No4s so you can imagine what an impression they made on me way back then.
We handed our two raffle tickets in for whisky & I drank mine with one of Ade UK's Cohiba Reserva Media Coronas '03. I was surprised at the strenght & flav left in this stick. Considering I usually drink my whiskey with more than a splash of water in & that night I was taking it straight, the cigar held it's own all the way. I'll be keeping my other Reservas for a few yrs yet.
Great to see the Aberdonian contingent down & in fine form! Hope to see you guys again some where next yr. Bnelly from Bristol, Fluffy from my old stomping ground of Portsmouth, think that was our 5th herf mate? Karl the thirsty Dragon & Jacky added some colour to the event & had come up from Wales to join us.
Apologies were received from CA in Cornwall, apologies duely accepted, especially as he sent a box of Jamacian '50's smokes for us to enjoy.
In the end there was no trouble, no one got too loud or tiresome & the locals put up with us with no complaint (well not whilst we were there anyway). A truely special night. Final thanks to Shelley, mine hostess, better keep an eye on your Exquistios Martyn, think Shelley is getting a taste for them
OK folks here's the pics:
I am only going to name the few names I am certian of, for thiose who I met for the first time, it'll probably take another herf or two until I remember you all.
Please post any unpublished pics below & add any names that I have omitted.
I know those who couldn't make it don't like it forever being rubbed in but I have been to a few herfs sine 2006 & this was up there at the top. Having Martyn to organise & provide the venue was a big plus & always the trickest part of getting a herf meet together. Sure others will want to organise other meets elsewhere, maybe in the at grey & misty land North of Watford but it would be good if we can manage at one mega herf say May/June, I for one would make the effort to come over.
I drove the family up first thing & Martyn met me at the Hilton to divi up Larryson's stash. This was an essentail part of the day as the sticks we chose not to keep would be auctioned off that evening. The cigars had been sent in the humi, with great packing & although I had removed the external packaging to get it into the car, I hadn't opened it before Martyn arrived. My wife & daughter watched on as two big kids drooled over the contents. It was almost as difficult as AdeUk's stash to decide to let any go but in the end I hope we did a fair split.
Martyn then disappeared to get things started & I had to go & take the ladies down to Holburn to see the museum that my daughter had wanted to see. Any guesses?SAM_4571.jpg
Once we got back to the hotel, Moondancer was waiting for us with his wife & after a not so quick coffee, we jumped into a taxi to the herf & the ladies went in another to the Watford Mall & laid it too waste!
By the time we arrived, the party had been going for several hrs for some & longer for others. After some quick introductions I pulled out a RA Slendi '01, the weather at this stage was doubtful, black clouds threatening to shower passed by & it was rather cool one minute, then the sun would come out for a while & begining to warm us up. The Slendi was a good starter but as usual, I was talking more than smoking so many re-lights. SAM_4572.jpg
Then Martyn broke out the Spainish Secretos '13 EL's. When I smelled the just opened box, I did notice the ammonia on these green cigars & wouldn't normally have smoked them so young myself but when in Watford...SAM_4581.jpg They were a pleasent little pre-prandial smoke & went down fine.
Off to the resturant & we were ushured into a privite dining room. Again another big plus this venue for herfing. Not having to worry about not annoying other patrons & able to carry out our business without interuption. After the starter we held the raffle. Money from some NC's old cigar boxes & vairious other paraphinallia was duely auctioned off for the grand sum of ?400. This money will be going off to Combat Stress shortly. Many thanks again for this generous response, it was especially pleasing that everyone took part. It was the longest raffle draw I have ever attended though, I think I went around the whole compnay 2 1/2 times getting tickets drawn & my voice nearly disappeared for the whole weekend!
Some very lucky, everyone got lucky at least once.
Main course & to be honest my steak was over done & without sauce was rather dry. After the main the cigar auction. Some cigars went in pairs, the Secretos in 5's. The Davidoff's didn't reach the heights we had hoped for but turns out Butters' swept the filed having already secured two from me, managed another one on the night. Who got the 4th? Hope they prove worth it guys.
After desert it was back to the serious business of herfing & Moondance produced a lovley pair of pre- banded Hoyo Epi No 2's from '02. I really love these & it was a gem. These were my first Cubans after Monte No4s so you can imagine what an impression they made on me way back then.
We handed our two raffle tickets in for whisky & I drank mine with one of Ade UK's Cohiba Reserva Media Coronas '03. I was surprised at the strenght & flav left in this stick. Considering I usually drink my whiskey with more than a splash of water in & that night I was taking it straight, the cigar held it's own all the way. I'll be keeping my other Reservas for a few yrs yet.
Great to see the Aberdonian contingent down & in fine form! Hope to see you guys again some where next yr. Bnelly from Bristol, Fluffy from my old stomping ground of Portsmouth, think that was our 5th herf mate? Karl the thirsty Dragon & Jacky added some colour to the event & had come up from Wales to join us.
Apologies were received from CA in Cornwall, apologies duely accepted, especially as he sent a box of Jamacian '50's smokes for us to enjoy.
In the end there was no trouble, no one got too loud or tiresome & the locals put up with us with no complaint (well not whilst we were there anyway). A truely special night. Final thanks to Shelley, mine hostess, better keep an eye on your Exquistios Martyn, think Shelley is getting a taste for them
