In honour of the Battle of Trafalgar, a crushing victory for the British Fleet off Cadiz which signalled the slow collapse of Napoleon's regime, I decided to have a small celebratory cigar. It was sunny, but a little nippy, so I went for a Trini Reyes. Great cigar.
A toast (with cigar or drink): "The Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson and those who fell with him."

PS. What was actually said at the end of the battle onboard Victory:
"Damn the French and Spanish to buggery! First they take my eye, then my arm, and now they've bloody shot me!"
The version of events that didn't make the press...
A toast (with cigar or drink): "The Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson and those who fell with him."

PS. What was actually said at the end of the battle onboard Victory:
"Damn the French and Spanish to buggery! First they take my eye, then my arm, and now they've bloody shot me!"
The version of events that didn't make the press...