Had a rather wonderful night night out, in old Antwerp. First dinner in a nearby resturaunt with MJ. Then on to the Piano Bar & having met up with Emannulle & Steve, we began with the latest San Cristobel. A short piramide, it was surprisingly good for the the first two thirds, the last third will improve with time.
Then I cracked open the RA XL Robusto box I picked up from Stevie boy. Bringing this Benlux ER back proved very popular. A splendid rich & spicy stick, that must have lasted 90mins.
To finish, I passed around Cohiba Exquitos 2001's, as our number had grown I had a 2011 Lanceros, paired with Mr Jameson's finest, a delightful smoke that I haven't had for a tear or so.
We met an Brit, over for work, from Middlesbrough, I encourage James to check out this site & hopefully we'll be meeting up aian in the NY.

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Then I cracked open the RA XL Robusto box I picked up from Stevie boy. Bringing this Benlux ER back proved very popular. A splendid rich & spicy stick, that must have lasted 90mins.
To finish, I passed around Cohiba Exquitos 2001's, as our number had grown I had a 2011 Lanceros, paired with Mr Jameson's finest, a delightful smoke that I haven't had for a tear or so.
We met an Brit, over for work, from Middlesbrough, I encourage James to check out this site & hopefully we'll be meeting up aian in the NY.

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