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Wednesday 19th August 2009

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  • #31

    Very nice setting.
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting


    • #32
      Originally posted by nicwing View Post
      As I was down in the "Garden of England" I popped in to see Roboooosto and after some wonderful fish & chips we repaired to a pub on the sea front for a drink and a cigar.

      I'm seen here smoking a Hoya de Monteray Petit Robusto, I'm not sure what the Boss was smoking but I am sure he will tell us as soon as he is back from walking the dog.

      Thanks Bry, great company, wonderful evening.

      Great snap, Nic!

      It was a D4. Drew gave me a phat 3-stick walkabout pocket bulger and I had left three sticks in it for a few days on a shelf. The cigar was as dry as a bone and I should remember to not leave cigars about like that.

      They finally did up the pier in my town and in that building you can see behind us you can get very good fish and chips.

      Those fish and chips were bloody good, Nic. I felt like I was eating steak - but steak that was white.

      We sat by a walkway whilst the whole of my town's dog population was walked past.

      At one point... I said nothing, Nic... a leading Green Party activist whom I know walked past us. Had she stopped to talk, she would have gone for my nads because I was smoking money away whereas I could have given it to some threatened community or other.

      Nothing wrong with the Green Party, you understand. It's just nutcases of any colour that do my head in.

      It was a very nice evening, Nic, and I'm glad you rolled into town.

      You saw my dog and I showed you the gay quarter. It was an interesting evening.

      I have just done a private party gig at the Cinque Ports Golf Club. The lounges had soft leather armchairs throughout overlooking the English Channel across the links.

      I was gagging for a cigar in that place. Blokes will have settled down with a whisky and lit up stogies for decades in such rooms.

      I hate the bastards who have taken all the fun away.
      Last edited by Robusto; 21-08-2009, 01:07 AM.


      • #33
        Forgot to say, Nic...

        THANK YOU for the Open, and for the Por Larranaga big length.
        Fantastic future smokes which I will humi-up with great anticipation.

