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Thursday 13th August

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  • Thursday 13th August

    Just had a RyJ Belicoso after my dinner with a couple of glasses of red wine.

    This evening I think Im going to partake of either a Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro or a Bolivar Gigante - undecided at the mo, either way its going to be a cracking smoke...

    Cheers, HabanoSy

  • #2
    Wow, took a while for today's thread to start.

    Nothing for me, probably until next week.
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting


    • #3
      Today I smoke a superbly Por Larranaga Magnificos Edicion Regional 2007 !
      It took me around 2 hours as I was having lunch and talking with a good friend too.

      The cigar has improve immensely, the balance of its complexity is better and the draw beautiful...

      enjoy your evening with a Good Habanos on hands...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Magu View Post
        Today I smoke a superbly Por Larranaga Magnificos Edicion Regional 2007 !
        Like you say Magu, a superb smoke...

        I was fortunate enough to procure one of these from both Davidoffs and JJ Foxs back last year, and they were both absolutely Magnifico...

        Cheers, HabanoSy


        • #5
          just off into the garden to enjoy a fine Malt and a Hoyo Dark Sumatra.


          • #6
            A newly aquired ERdM here which was part of a brace sent by Whisk. Respect

            Never had one before and am really enjoying it.
            "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


            • #7
              Yep, the ERdM certainly do seem to fly under the radar, but no doubting their credentials, they are a mighty fine smoke...

              Which one you enjoying cj...?

              Cheers, HabanoSy


              • #8
                Judging by the ring and length, and not being overly experienced in their department, I'm going say the Chamois (sic) express Supreme, which is giving my taste buds a right leathering.

                Very pleasant HabS.
                "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                • #9
                  A JL No.1 this afternoon when the sun finally broke through.

                  Had the evening to myself with the missus on a company night out and our little one tucked up with Iggle Piggle by 7pm. August's Trout and Salmon, a couple of bottles of San Miguel and a Monte I go...

                  A very pretty cigar, sits very well in the hand, liking the embossed MC crest on the band, havent noticed this before. Perfect draw after the cut, just enough resistance for a big cigar. Spicyness from the first few draws, dark wrapper helping with this. Full on tabacco flavours, difficult to pick out anything subtle in the first inch or so...

                  No real flavour development in the first half, was looking for it but it just stuck with the good quality, aged tabacco notes.

                  Into the second half and some menthol tones coming through and a little hint of sweet nougat at times. These flavours died away as the cigar picked up strength fast, cazadores strength in the last couple of inches.

                  Bands off and tongue beginning to take a beating. Strong, strong, strong, should have poured a wee malt to go with the last few puffs.

                  A very enjoyable cigar, better than last time but still feel like I missed something in the middle. Has gone up in my estimations, will revisit the box next year to see how they are coming along.


                  • #10
                    Nice little read there spaceM. Double the post up over on the review section mate, or if there's a Monte Sub post, pop it on there. People can have a looksie without it getting lost here. After all, you've made a nice effort with the post
                    "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                    • #11
                      Yep, cracking little review spacemonkey, like cj says pop it on the reviews thread so everyone can have a looksy...

                      Cheers, HabanoSy


                      • #12
                        Had a Juan Lopez Seleccion No. 2 after work today. I've had a few of these so far and not found them particularly exciting yet.

                        I've had this one sitting at 70% for a couple of months to compare with those I keep at 65% (my usual preferred) and whether it's the higher humidity or just that I've left it alone for a while I don't know, but there were flavours in this one! Very vanilla to start, some marshmallow and toast later on. Very nice. Tasted expensive! I'll be comparing one of the 65% soon.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HabanoSy View Post
                 cj says pop it on the reviews thread so everyone can have a look...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by spacemonkey_no9 View Post
                            Good man...

                            , HabanoSy


                            • #15
                              It was day one of a two day birthday celebration for my friend James so I headed up to Casa in Soho and installed myself from about 2.30pm to close (post 11pm). Amongst other treats I enjoyed a R&J Cedro de Luxe No. 2 and a Sancho Panza Sanchos. Rather a treat the Sanchos, not made any more I believe.

                              My friend did rather well. A mutual friend of ours with deep pockets gave him a Monte A and another friend with VERY deep pockets gave him a Swiss regional special edition, I forget which one, I will find out and report back. When I find out what exactly it was can anybody help me obtain one to sample pretty please?

                              "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"

