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Sunday 1st March 2015

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
    So how did it finish Wigan, we are all on the edge of our seats!
    Lol, must just finished as you was typing. Checked the times onmy posts and that's over 2 hours!


    • #17
      Managed a Punch Super Selection No 1 before the rains hit, thoroughly enjoyed it but the nicotine hit me a bit at the end.


      • #18
        Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
        I noticed they've been promoting those, care to be a little more in depth?
        Certainly. Bear in mind that I'm still a novice and find it difficult to identify the different flavours etc., but for me there was a strong leather flavour from start to finish. A little bit of spice and earth. The construction was good and I had no issues with the burn. The draw was on the tighter side, but not too tight. Smoke output was on the lower side for me, but this may have been my cut. If I had cut a little further up the stick, it may have opened the draw and smoke output a little.

        For the price, it was a good stick IMHO.

        Sent from my Note 4 using Tapatalk


        • #19
          Originally posted by Wigan View Post
          Lol, must just finished as you was typing. Checked the times onmy posts and that's over 2 hours!
          Looks like I'll be saving mine for the summer then, two hours in the garage makes me stir crazy
          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


          • #20
            Glad you enjoyed it Wigan, the 2007 is a 90+ but the 2002 if 96 but I ain't giving those away any more, just irriplacable. Would recommend smoking in the garden post BBQ PJ, agree not great being trapped in a box for so long. Wigan, did you get some in the last split? If you're serious about buying a box, my reccomendation would be to go for the 50 cab, especially for long term aging. It's a big cash out lay, maybe someone would split half a cab with you? My 2002s were the last half of a cab I boughtin Antwerp in 2006.
            Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
              Glad you enjoyed it Wigan, the 2007 is a 90+ but the 2002 if 96 but I ain't giving those away any more, just irriplacable..
              What about mine from 1995?

              Sent from the Enigma via Tapatalk for BlackBerry.
              Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
              Marc's a Fat Molly
              Click here for a fun, relevant song!


              • #22
                I did I get 5 out of the last split. I have about 20 or 30 different boxes I want to buy just now but need to leave off it all really till probably some time in April. Might get a box see about split just to quell the urge to keep buying stuff! lol


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Wigan View Post
                  I did I get 5 out of the last split. I have about 20 or 30 different boxes I want to buy just now but need to leave off it all really till probably some time in April. Might get a box see about split just to quell the urge to keep buying stuff! lol
                  Its that urge that's addictive about this hobby rather than the actual smoking
                  'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                    Its that urge that's addictive about this hobby rather than the actual smoking

                    Just back from making the purchase to read that lol


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Wigan View Post
                      Just back from making the purchase to read that lol
                      One of the ones we discussed?
                      'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                      • #26
                        The one I smoked last night, Bolivar - Coronas Gigantes . Going to have to split it unfortunately but then I will at least have box to fit all the ones that size I have purchased lately.


                        • #27
                          I have two of those 95 CG's from a split with Butters. They're just sitting waiting for the right moment. I hope they're as good as they should be for the age.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Wigan View Post
                            Just back from making the purchase to read that lol
                            Dam it. Totally agreed with that but doesn't make sense on its own


                            • #29
                              Let us know Tommy, then I cam kick myself for not joining in.
                              Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                              • #30

                                My good chum was in London for the weekend and happened to frequent a lovely segar and snuff shop!! Brought back some goodies. All felt a little firm and bands where all loose so I took custody of them for him in my humidor. Not before we enjoyed the HUHCs!! The R&J is his and he gifted me one of the Luis. Guy in the shop told him they where discontinued in 2012??

                                Also the lighter on the end is part of a custom made set he bought in a market. He sent me pictures of the one he bought rather teasingly!! And then said he wouldn't be able to go back to grab me one.... then he pulled out one for me what a lovely guesture! Will put up more pics soon.

