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Thursday 13th November 2014

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  • Thursday 13th November 2014

    Well I keep trying because God only knows how these deserve an 8.39 in the Cuban Cigar Ratings ... ... I think there's more Cuban live in a Guantanamera Compay. OK, they're mild and easy enough for a nun to smoke, but to be honest if Habanos grew the tobacco in Deano's back garden and rolled them in Basildon they couldn't be any worse.

    As far as I'm concerned this cigar has only one virtue .... it's all over quickly!
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    If you want to, you can.
    And, if you can, you must!

  • #2
    lol the HUHC? I've burnt through well over half a box and probably had 2 duds, I love them when they're on!


    • #3
      I used to like the HUHC,
      However, discovering cheaper smokes elsewhere I've moved away from these.
      Saying that…
      I still got two or three in humi…



      • #4
        Originally posted by JoeyGunz View Post
        lol the HUHC? I've burnt through well over half a box and probably had 2 duds, I love them when they're on!
        I've had a few as well and I have nothing but good things to say about them


        • #5
          I don't mind them for a short smoke but they are one dimension and obvious

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke

          Groucho Marx


          • #6
            The Rob fave, a number 4.
            Originally Posted by olivierp

            Does anybody smoke cigar coming Nicaragua?

            Originally Posted by PeeJay
            ...your post does read a little like the lead in to a plug....


            • #7
              Originally posted by tippexx View Post
              Well I keep trying because God only knows how these deserve an 8.39 in the Cuban Cigar Ratings ... ... I think there's more Cuban live in a Guantanamera Compay. OK, they're mild and easy enough for a nun to smoke, but to be honest if Habanos grew the tobacco in Deano's back garden and rolled them in Basildon they couldn't be any worse.

              As far as I'm concerned this cigar has only one virtue .... it's all over quickly!

              I really like them and have only good things to say about them.

              Thinking I should buy more to age. I got a box of 25 and a tin of 5 at the same time and did notice a big difference in taste between the 2.
              Are the ones your are smoking all from the same tin (or box) and could have been poorly stored (before you got them obviously) or perhaps a bad batch?


              • #8
                All this talk of HUHC last one from a box of five , to be honest been contemplating a box of 25 this last one from the tin I've now had for 6 months and will be the decider if I go for it or not


                • #9
                  First I've had of these for about four months and so far wow can't remember the other four being this good maybe that little bit of time has made a huge difference to them or more possible my palette developing


                  • #10
                    Only had a couple of HUHC myself, but thought they were alright, to the point of thinking about getting some (though the shopping list is already extremely long and not getting any shorter!).

                    I'm back on the CA Top 25 tonight. I'm told the Bolivar Royal Corona, No 21, "is a leathery and earthy smoke with a growing intensity, as well as notes of chocolate and spicy licorice." This is one of just 3 Cubans in the Top 25.

                    It was a really good cigar. It had some age on it, which must make a difference, and was so smooth. Full on flavour from the start, definitely leathery, which got more intense, and those notes of rich dark chocolate, which faded. One of those cigars when I wish I had a connoisseur's appreciation for subtle taste. So much going on and it kept evolving. Gorgeous aroma.

                    Very tight draw though, even with a cut, but I think that may be a storage issue. My humi was over-humidified for a while. I'm sure I read somewhere on the forum that excess humidity can cause problems like that? Sorted the humi last weekend, but I guess the cigars will take a little while to catch up.



                    • #11
                      Always worth taking your pick to smoke out a few hours before smoking if that's the case . I don't know about cigar aficionado maybe some other botl Maybe able to confirm this but is it an American magazine as its surprising only three Cubans in the list and is that anything to do with the embargo


                      • #12
                        Thursday 13th November 2014

                        Having a NC Churchill tonight these were rolled in 2000 while I am assessing a referee good solid smoke

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        Last edited by RobustoClubHavana; 13-11-2014, 08:54 PM.
                        A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke

                        Groucho Marx


                        • #13
                          On a late Monte 4 now. Been building nursery furniture.all evening so now having a bit of 'me' time! Nice drop of Talisker to go with it. Cheers!


                          Sent from Tapa Tapa land
                          Originally posted by Wigan
                          Holy crap, Your Dale Askew?
                          ''My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.''
                          Sir Winston Churchill


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MrMaduro View Post
                            On a late Monte 4 now. Been building nursery furniture.all evening so now having a bit of 'me' time! Nice drop of Talisker to go with it. Cheers!


                            Sent from Tapa Tapa land
                            You've definitely deserve both of them then


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by oskihen View Post
                              You've definitely deserve both of them then
                              They're both certainly being well received! I do enjoy a Monte 4!
                              Originally posted by Wigan
                              Holy crap, Your Dale Askew?
                              ''My religion prescribed as an absolute sacred ritual smoking cigars and drinking alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and the intervals between them.''
                              Sir Winston Churchill

