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Friday September 26th 2014

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  • Friday September 26th 2014

    My first ever siglo vi.
    And for good reason. Although that being said, it's not impressing me much yet...
    Been a very interesting and stressful week. Had 20 week scan on Tuesday, which went really well - but haven't had the time for this smoke to celebrate. All bits present and correct. We'll find out about SMA two weeks after the birth. So fingers very firmly crossed on that one.
    My daughter's been granted a wish by the Make A Wish Foundation to go to Disney World in FL and we're going on Sunday. However, it's been touch and go and we've only just found out we can actually go.
    Wife's still poorly, but not too poorly to fly - Hurrah!
    So all in all a good set of reasons to pull out the Sig.
    I feel a bit let down though. Uneven burn, having to work at it to keep it lit. Tastes muted.
    Just really underwhelmed. Had a sig IV and wasn't impressed with that either... They're ok - just average and I would far rather spend my money on different sticks and get more for the money!
    No longer excited about my BHKs.....
    But I am excited about the land of NCs and Disney

    Sent from deepest darkest Yorkshire, by magic..
    Last edited by groundhog; 26-09-2014, 12:28 PM.

  • #2
    groundhog, you'll have a great time at Disney! Not jealous in the slightest.


    • #3
      Cohiba's need more age more than any other marca.

      And I'm glad to hear all the good news my brother.


      • #4
        Cheers guys [emoji1]
        As life's too short for rubbish sticks, I ditched and moved on to this:

        Much better!

        Sent from deepest darkest Yorkshire, by magic..


        • #5
          Gran Habano Vintage 2002. c10cko introduced me to these and I've taken quite a liking to them. One of my preferred NC smokes at the moment.


          • #6
            Originally posted by judders View Post
            Gran Habano Vintage 2002. c10cko introduced me to these and I've taken quite a liking to them. One of my preferred NC smokes at the moment.
            Anything you can compare it to?


            • #7
              Originally posted by groundhog View Post
              Anything you can compare it to?
              I'm terrible at stuff like that. I do know that I like it though. It terms of flavours, perhaps like some of the Nubs but with more depth to it and with a firmer draw. It's ceratinly not a fine Cuban, but for the price I'm very happy with it.


              • #8
                Oh, and LOADS of smoke too.


                • #9
                  Glad to hear its all good Andy. Shame about the SIG!

                  Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
                  SilentBob is quiet no more, name change to VocalBob?


                  • #10
                    BHKs, Siglo VI, do fat Cohibas equal uneven burning? Experts to the front!
                    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                    • #11
                      I'd rather be at home smoking a cigar right now!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                        BHKs, Siglo VI, do fat Cohibas equal uneven burning? Experts to the front!
                        They do not


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by smokey joe View Post
                          I'd rather be at home smoking a cigar right now!
                          Tell me about it, five hours into a twelve hour shift and no smoke in sight till Sunday if I'm lucky.
                          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                          • #14
                            HdM PR for me, wfh until trip to France tomorrow. Andorra has been put off ONCE AGAIN.


                            • #15
                              Not in the mood for anything too big, having a CAO Italian. Having trouble with the flavour, but I'm having a strong ale with it so that could be the issue. Not much smoke either. Nice light favour so far.

