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Saturday 19 July 2014

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  • #31
    Oh well night off time for pate and some excellent Jackson estate Sauvignon blanc on special at ?9.99

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    A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke

    Groucho Marx


    • #32
      Having a Partagas Serie E Nr2 to kick off with this evening. I enjoyed writing the little review last night,so I shall do the same for this stick. Smoked lots of these, so hopefully my review will be useful...

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      • #33
        Originally posted by monkey66
        '98 POW
        Great pic! Like how the smoke looks!

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        • #34
          Good evening gentlemen (& ladies )

          looking forward to to your review sludgie!

          Yesterday ah I spent so long outside enjoying my smoke a snail crawled all the way up my wine glass and started swaying. Only had to throw away a mouthful mind you.

          Tonight I got one of these:


          • #35
            Still in the garden trying the latest vintage of Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc

            And I must say its good needs food so for tonight I prefer the Jackson

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            A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke

            Groucho Marx


            • #36
              Time for a cigar, I think today only a old favourite will do, Monte 2 here I come


              • #37
                Bolivar Petit Corona:
                Slight pepper, slight spice. medium to slightly full.
                Relaxing, enjoyable, fantastic bouquet.
                very very nice 50 min or so smoke.


                • #38
                  Its a tragedy of greek magnitude, last one from a 7/12 box. The rest of my montes 2s are less than a year old
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    A Monte Petit 2 for me. I have to disagree with some of the negative reviews this has had.... It's really rather nice


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by RobustoClubHavana View Post

                      This was lovely with a couple of glasses of Sauvignon blanc

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                      Label kinda reminds me of jim beam wrapper don't you think?


                      • #41
                        Cigar of the month from Peejay but forgot to take a bloody pic.

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                        • #42
                          How's this for a machine made shitter?

                          Holy ash Rob!

                          That's a shame Andy. I've smoked loads of them lately and when they're 'on' they're outstanding. QC is infamously poor for 4s but 5s are usually brilliant
                          Yeah I've noticed the No.4's being a bit hit and miss but the No.5 was far worse than then even the worst No.4 I've had. Guess I should've trusted my instincts and sent it back. As well as being firm it was also slightly square but don't know if that is normal as it was the first I've tried. Remembered your sig tho Stevie and dumped it half way! I did try a matchstick up it... but that just left me with a sore arse!

                          Anyway I followed PeeJay's example and smoked a little something to make up for the disappointment!



                          • #43
                            Smoked this today...Artigas Santa Cruz...prelight an easy draw...after lighting first third slight peppery Flavour..earthy and burn issues or relights a good amount of smoke..second third and final third coffee and lovely hazelnut..a nice little surprise

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                            • #44
                              I've been busy today. Been damn hot. Sat most if today in a pool bar watching the golf.
                              Life is tough!

                              "I may be drunk Miss but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly!? - Winston Churchill


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                                Hooray, hooray, cigar for me today! [ATTACH=CONFIG]18278[/ATTACH]

                                Anyone who wants to pop round this afternoon is very welcome
                                Shame i was so far away i could of eat some of your apricot tart again

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