'There is peace in a Por Larragna, calm in a Henry Clay' R.Kipling
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Saurday 21st June 2014 Midsummer
think ill give this a blast had it in my humidor for a few years now...no idea how i came by it 20140621_141829.jpg
SAM_4937.jpgSAM_4942.jpgSAM_4947.jpgHi Mighty Red, got in late, didn't manage to get to casc as I bumped into an ex-colleague, here's the pics:Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post'There is peace in a Por Larragna, calm in a Henry Clay' R.Kipling
So here's my Henry Clay collection, SAM_4380.jpgthis is a pre-revolution brand therefore 55yo+. Attended the first wedding of one of my daughter's contempories this morning & decided to fire on eup.
Started with a decent breakfast of Scrambled eggs, smoked slamon on crumpets.SAM_4959.jpg After the servcie & a glass of bubbly cut & lit the HC.SAM_4962.jpg A wedding reception isn't a place you'd expect to find calm but I thought it was worth a trySAM_4977.jpg. A good medium smoke, tasted better than it looked, no doubt
the occasion added something. Plently of fragent smoke. SAM_4972.jpgTo follow a PL that Kilpling may have smoked. Although & have half a dozen PL vitolas only the PC is likely to have been one of his regular smokes (I do have an older PL but that's being saved for a more suitable occasion).
The PC from my PC 50 Cab & was a smooth & tast as ever.SAM_4970.jpg
Tonight we are off to the evening reception & I am hoping to try a special Cohiba.Will add photosSimon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
Midsummers day and my wife's 40th birthday party commences at 7pm this evening been running around all morning sorting out food etc have oysters whole salmon smoked salmon shed loads of fresh Italian salamis massive cheese board hams jumbo king prawns etc etc etc all to be consumed later photos to follow
Just managed to sneak a RG Cigarritto 00 and half a draught hoegaarden
And the food tent
Happy days
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkA woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke
Groucho Marx
Saurday 21st June 2014 Midsummer
So, today I am on holiday. I have some nice cigars with me. For some reason I've decided that today is the day that I finally try the Guantanamo (sic) Cristales... I always said I'd take one for the cause so I could write a review for the Cigar Monologues...
First impressions - if nothing else, this is the pig ugliest cigar (thing, even) I have ever laid eyes on...
First few draws have been salty, and evocative of hexamine blocks - a smell that our military members (or shoe-string campers) will be well aware of.
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First from my box of Fonsecas and the damn thing was plugged so after massaging and piercing to no avail I cut the final inch off and got a smoke. The four years obviously worked to their benefit as it was nutty with a slightly tannic edge and no pepper at all. I'll do a review after an unplugged one.
Fonseca3.jpg'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
So after a lovely afternoon in Preston with VTG and Mo and my first BBF which was wonderful I've decided as the weather just got better I'm gonna have another cigar.
Been looking forward to this since I had the robusto.
Been really smooth and mellow so far, been rewarded for smoking it slower.
It feel fantastic in the hand and on the lips, feels like it's made of velvet!
Great lazy afternoon smoke!
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