To celebrate not having to see my Dentist again until July .... a deliciously woody Bolivar Tubos No 2. Not sure about the age, but the band was the 2002 deleted Standard 'A'. Was getting colder and grimmer by the minute outside but the Boli was a nice treat.
Newbee's. Don't be beguiled by the pretty tubes and cedar wrapper. The Boli Tubos 2 is as trustworthy as the Taliban, she's a nicotine nuclear time-bomb primed to go off anywhere between half-way and the final third and will send you reeling earless into A&E if you treat her with disrespect .... an RyJ Cazadores is gentle by comparison!
Newbee's. Don't be beguiled by the pretty tubes and cedar wrapper. The Boli Tubos 2 is as trustworthy as the Taliban, she's a nicotine nuclear time-bomb primed to go off anywhere between half-way and the final third and will send you reeling earless into A&E if you treat her with disrespect .... an RyJ Cazadores is gentle by comparison!