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Sunday 17th June - Father's Day

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  • Sunday 17th June - Father's Day

    Not what I was expecting to post; sparked up one of the Sir Winnies I picked recently... No outward signs I was going to have any trouble with it but right from the start, tighter than a gnats chuff!


    I've ditched it already. Usually I'd persevere but opportunities for a decent smoke have been limited by my nearly 3 week old son. Reached for an RyJ Duke instead, chances of a 54RG stick being plugged are pretty slim... We'll see how this one goes!


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  • #2
    Rocky Patel Edge Missile 2nd again whilst mowing the lawn.

    May have a 'proper' stick later


    • #3
      Well! I started with a Punch Gran Puro that I picked up in a batch of NC's I bought to add variety to my Humi. I really couldn't get on with it from the off. It had a very bitter taste, I struggled to keep it alight until I eventually gave up at about the half way stage and threw it away - the most disappointing cigar I have smoked and I still have another in my Humi.

      I decided to replace it with some quality and went for the Hoyo de Monterrey 2011 Short Piramides LE that I got at the UK Big Smoke. Now that's more like it a nice smooth, easy draw.


      • #4
        Just lit a JL2 and have poured a Cuba Libre!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Wardjrz View Post
          Well! I started with a Punch Gran Puro that I picked up in a batch of NC's I bought to add variety to my Humi. I really couldn't get on with it from the off. It had a very bitter taste, I struggled to keep it alight until I eventually gave up at about the half way stage and threw it away - the most disappointing cigar I have smoked and I still have another in my Humi.
          Must be something in the air today, John... never had a problem before today. The Winnie came straight out of my coolidor which I checked later and spotted it's running at 71%RH so that might have something to do with it. All my desktops are dead on 65% and I usually smoke out of them. The next one, I'll make sure I transfer a few days beforehand to let it equalise down to 65%
          Last edited by spirit_of_will; 17-06-2012, 07:43 PM.

