Winston Churchill - Marrakesh
This cigar was given to us by Davidoff on the walk last Saturday. I haven't Googled its provenance, but I believe it's an NC.
It is, in short, a delightful smoke. It's new to me and I've been on it for well over an hour. It was very mild at first but now it is robust, sweet-ish and reminds me of the taste of almonds. I am really enjoying it, all the more so because I'm looking at the hundreds of video clips taken last week on the walk. My son doesn't want me to spoil the footage but I'll convert and slip in a couple of clips later if I can.
I would definitely want to smoke this cigar again. The aroma of the stick, as I type, is really quite sexy!
This cigar was given to us by Davidoff on the walk last Saturday. I haven't Googled its provenance, but I believe it's an NC.
It is, in short, a delightful smoke. It's new to me and I've been on it for well over an hour. It was very mild at first but now it is robust, sweet-ish and reminds me of the taste of almonds. I am really enjoying it, all the more so because I'm looking at the hundreds of video clips taken last week on the walk. My son doesn't want me to spoil the footage but I'll convert and slip in a couple of clips later if I can.
I would definitely want to smoke this cigar again. The aroma of the stick, as I type, is really quite sexy!