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Monday 12th March 2012

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  • Monday 12th March 2012

    A dog of a Trini reye, never had anything as bad as this one.
    Even worse than a previous dog from this box.
    Pulled it apart and it was just crap in there which did not surprise me.
    Had excellent, good, bad and just crap all in the same box.
    This one could never be any good it was crap inside.

  • #2
    A Cohiba Siglo II for me this evening Snapshot_20120312_2.JPG


    • #3
      Seriously gmacz, how many bad cigars do you get? And trinis made of crap?? Either you're one unlucky SOB or they're of suspect origin mate!
      No offense intended, and apologies if taken, but some on
      here seem to get a disproportionate number of tight or rubbish cigars, in the last year I've thrown one for being too tight, and had a terrible psd5 and that's all i can complain about, I guess I might just be incredibly lucky?


      • #4
        This evening after work i enjoyed my first partagas serie D number 4 it was a wonderful smoke although a little strong for a beginner. Think i may have jumped in a little fast!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bruce lee View Post
          This evening after work i enjoyed my first partagas serie D number 4 it was a wonderful smoke although a little strong for a beginner. Think i may have jumped in a little fast!
          Excellent will get used to them


          • #6
            No offence taken, that is what a forum is about.
            All my sticks are basically new and I have 48 reyes and am finding them to be pretty much inconsistant at best, excellent down to rubbish.
            I like to look at the leaf and pull them apart at the end, great smoke lovely leaf and when they are bad it shows in the quality of the leaf, last one was just rubbish leaves inside.
            Recent sir winston was a dream from start to finish and it had perfect leaf construction.
            You light up and post the result and hope others give feedback saying how good or bad their reyes etc have been.
            Post the good and the bad, it tells people that the stick they have just had and did not like may have been bad and to try another before writing them off.
            That is the info I want to see.
            If I stuck to H Upmann only, I would say all cubans are perfect as I have not had a bad one.
            Then I would post here saying I cannot believe the problems everyone is having, you lot must be buying fakes.


            • #7
              Fair response, then I say keep trying, tho trinis are overly expensive, but its rare to hear bad things about the brand, apart from price...
              Then again with so many variables, month, year, factory, roller, vendor storage conditions etc, I guess it has to happen, but you can understand my surprise?
              Who knows these days though, with cohiba churning out all sorts of garbage, my personal hope was that Trinidad had managed somehow to remain aloof of this nonsense...
              But i stand by the fact that it seems to happen to some on here more than others, whatever the reason for that may be.


              • #8
                Surprised you've had hassle with Reyes...never had a duffer or any duff Trini tbh. They're supposed to be the cream of the crop along with CoEeBa

                Are the leaves in the duffers chopped up short filler? If so, alarm bells should be ringing


                • #9
                  I had 6 brilliant reyes and purchased another box because of this, next one was a dog, it happens.
                  Fundadores have been great, they do have a bit of age about them though.
                  Have heard people say they have not been impressed with the reyes, have told them to try another as they are usually good and they may have had a bad one. I suppose it depends how many you smoke, you will get the good the bad and the dog stick. People should post the bad as well as the good. Helps when you are looking for the next box.


                  • #10
                    Honestly I think people post the bad More than the good, we're a nation of complainers don't you know? Hence the surprise!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zigatoh View Post
                      Honestly I think people post the bad More than the good, we're a nation of complainers don't you know? Hence the surprise!
                      Why does this bother you??

                      He was sharing that he got a bad stick, and rightly so, when you pay good money for what is supposed to be the cream of the crop and you don't get that.....damn right he has all the reason to be pissed, i would be too.


                      • #12
                        Nah leaves were poorly rolled on the bad ones and had too many faults and thick stems in there. Remember from the box I have had many great smokes and some ok and 2 dogs. They were not like the other trinis. Selection of leaf was not good on these 2. I purchased another box because of this one, from experience I am finding them to be inconsistent.


                        • #13
                          Bruce lee - I came back to cigars and went for the Parta sdn4 as my first one, big mistake, great smokes but they will turn you inside out. Used to smoke them a lot and never thought it would trip me up, it did. I stuck to the ryj until I got used to cigars again and have had another one and it was great.


                          • #14
                            Suprisingly i just smoked a siglo II, good smoke with lots of creamy coffee and lots of flavour.
                            Now i'm smoking a RyJ coronitas en cedro and it's a very good smoke indeed. To say i paid three times less for it than the cohiba it has offered me a very good smoke, very similar flavour to the siglo, which makes me question buying another box of the siglo which i have on order
                            Are standards of top line cigars like cohiba and trinidad dropping, or are other brands raising standards??


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by smokin_e2011 View Post
                              Why does this bother you??
                              I think Zig was pointing out that G had reported lots of 'dodgy' sticks. My first thoughts of anyone reporting duds consistently is ' where are they buying from? Do I need to be cautious ? Or is it more ' local' factors.
                              I don't necessarily think it 'bothered' him

                              Looking for Monte Sublimes if you have any?

