Originally posted by tommy
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40th Drink
Originally posted by Sean View PostNever tried a armangnac always wanted to because i like cognac are there flavour profiles similar
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Due to the longer ageing it picks up earth tones from the oak barrels. It's also common for Armagnac to be comprised from one distillation where Cognac is almost always blended and has no specific age recognition beyond the VS, VSOP, XO Designation.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Originally posted by tommy View PostYeah, its distilled and put into casks in 75 making it distilled in the year of my birth. It's had 18 in wood and the rest in the bottle. If you look around you'll find old bottles of all sorts that sell for silly money because they are old even though they are aged in wood for 10, 20 or whatever in wood. The stuff in the bottles may not improve but having something made in your year of birth is the thing. However as lots of XO cognac is around 40 year aged you may get lucky and find a 75 distilling if you're clever at locating such things. If anyone can find me a 40 year old brandy that's just bottled I'd be very interested.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View PostTommy... you'd want a sweet one.
But not citrusy - so not Dalmore or Cragganmore.
Sweet but not burnt - so not Auchentoshan or Springbank.
Perhaps another lowland like Hazelburn. Or perhaps just the standard Glenfiddie?
Sent by the Enigma on BlackBerry.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Originally posted by tommy View PostTbh if I'm gonna buy a spirit from 40 years ago I'd get a cognac as that's what I drink anyway. Also there are some I'd like to try anyway. I am keen to try whisky a more but this isn't a good time to start blind.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
40th Drink
Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View PostWhile many XO's will indeed contain spirit that's up to 40 years aged, that spirit will be heavily blended with spirits as low as 6 years aged. The only thing to go by with Cognac is the date it was bottled because the rest is purposely misleading,
Great info from you Marc, you never fail to help if its booze!Last edited by tommy; 29-08-2014, 06:04 AM.
Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View PostThey are both brandy so there are similarities... Armagnac is distilled only once so retains more of the original fruits influence, it's also generally 6-8% stronger and aged for much longer (in general.)
Due to the longer ageing it picks up earth tones from the oak barrels. It's also common for Armagnac to be comprised from one distillation where Cognac is almost always blended and has no specific age recognition beyond the VS, VSOP, XO Designation.
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Armagnac can indeed be great and is almost always higher quality spirit at a lower price.... Don't think I'm saying quality Cognac isn't good though because it really really can be great, the blenders are masters of making beautiful spirit. But because Cognac is 'popular' those high quality spirits usually command a bigger price.
If you want to explore Armagnac then look for a Clos Martin tasting set. Like this vvv
Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Originally posted by tommy View PostWith Armagnac I could get a 40 YO spirit then.
Wanna drink something from 1890? Easy and for ?1200
How about something BOTTLED in the 50's? Easy ?100
if you want to go back to 1875 then the price will start shooting up though. ?2500
But you would be celebrating your birthday +100
Armagnac is a crazy world of old alcohol!Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
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