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Espresso Pot Coffee

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  • #46
    I just measured my 6 cup pot and it takes 15g (or there abouts) of coffee. This gives 1 mug or 3 espresso cups full of coffee.

    I think Monkey is right that the principle is that it's supposed to be pretty much full (coffee expands a bit when wet so not jam packed full) and water up to the release valve.


    • #47
      As a further note, thought these little fellas are called moka pots they are designed to make espresso type shots, i.e. about 50ml per shot. One important aspect to making espresso is water pressure, which is a few bars of pressure (can't remember what it is, I think it is 9 bar). Now, the moka pot can never achieve that kind of pressure, it would be too dangerous to supply and would be issued with all sorts of health and safety warnings. However, the pressure in the pot can be increased by packing the coffee tight in the strainer and whapping the water through fast by pre-boiling and putting on high heat. You can't do this if you have a 9-cup pot which is only part filled,


      • #48
        Originally posted by ChimpsInTies View Post
        I just measured my 6 cup pot and it takes 15g (or there abouts) of coffee. This gives 1 mug or 3 espresso cups full of coffee.

        I think Monkey is right that the principle is that it's supposed to be pretty much full (coffee expands a bit when wet so not jam packed full) and water up to the release valve.
        I love the scientific approach - just the kind of madness I do.
        I spent the good part of a week doing temperature and humidity tests on my humidor.


        • #49
          You should see the lengths some of us go to on the coffeeforum


          • #50
            Originally posted by ChimpsInTies View Post
            You should see the lengths some of us go to on the coffeeforum
            lol I know that one, although not for many years. Makes cigar forums seem tame.
            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
            Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

            Originally posted by Ryan
            I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


            • #51
              Thats a nice looking pot Mr Chimp
              What's the quantity of water you are using roughly? Have been browsing ebay for a smaller pot and there are a variety of sizes of 6 cup pots! The one i have my eye on is 240ml and looks the same as my 9 cup. Or there is a 300ml one thats got a nice see through lid. Will check what my 9 cup is tonight as well i think.


              • #52
                Ahha, just found you already answered that question elsewhere


                • #53
                  Most important in any one you buy is to make sure it's stainless steel. This one in the pic is 250ml.

                  I bought a cheap stainless steel one from ebay and t was crap. Really thin metal and horrible to screw together. This Stellar one is pricey but you can feel the quality of it as soon as you pick it up. Thick metal, screws together flawlessly.

                  The water in Sheffield is pretty good actually. No hard. I Brita filter it anyway as I prefer the taste but it's not really necessary.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by mrcigar View Post
                    Today, I am drinking coffee


                    That's interesting...i see you've got milk in the top there, did you merely heat it up in th etop or run it through?

                    ...being a 'stuck in my way' Lavazza man (when in the supermarket) i have decidedly strayed and am just about to give Taylors 'Hot Java Lava' a certainly does smell strong, however i do need a good kick!

                    I have tried all types of machines (some several hundreds of pounds) and methods and ALWAYS go back to the Moka pot!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Funkilee View Post
                      I have tried all types of machines (some several hundreds of pounds) and methods and ALWAYS go back to the Moka pot!
                      It is really hard work to get a good result with domestic espresso machines, even at ?200. Your experience is common (I went through at least 3 home machines in my early days ...all in the bin now ). Moka pots and filter machines will give a much better result/cost balance.
                      Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                      Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                      Originally posted by Ryan
                      I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                      • #56
                        Listen to Monkey66 he knows about this stuff. He has a V8 grinder you know. "POWER"!!
                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                          Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                          Originally posted by Ryan
                          I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                          • #58
                            Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                              It is really hard work to get a good result with domestic espresso machines, even at ?200. Your experience is common (I went through at least 3 home machines in my early days ...all in the bin now ). Moka pots and filter machines will give a much better result/cost balance.
                              I'm surprised you say this Monkey. What espresso machine do you have? I have a feeling you told me earlier but I forget.

                              I'm absolutely in love with my Gaggia Classic and I only paid ?100 for it 2nd hand. It's all about learning how best to use your equipment and providing it with the right accessories at the end of the day.


                              • #60
                                Lol i remember that episode. I think you gents should show us some pics of your equipment, coffee equipment that is!

