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Orlik Golden Sliced

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  • Orlik Golden Sliced

    So due to ongoing cost and the fact I dont smoke all too often, with a cigar its was 6-7 times a year with a pipe maybe once a fortnight depending. Anyway ill be going to my pipe more now, so for the 10 plus years ive been mostly smoking Aros- but have been after something with a little more flavor, and Orlik was widely recommended. So Tin note very citrus fruit, bready sort of like a fruit loaf /hot cross bun. Nice so once it gets going and damn that smoke is pleasantly flavourful, very citrus raisin flavor, grassy freshness toasted bread and then eventually just a cinnamony peppery hit from the Perique Im guessing its really interesting and thoroughly complimentary and enjoyable. Lovely room note is fantastic the Mrs exclaimed it smelt like toasted hot cross buns which means I can smoke it inside my office Yay. The smell it leaves on you as well is interesting with a tobacco raisin smell that means you wont smell terrible. I have a tin of Scottish Flake coming as well to try at some point but very happy with this as smoke and far more flavour than many and most Aros. Superb start
    I never smoke to excess - that is, I smoke in moderation, only one cigar at a time.- Mark Twain

  • #2
    You saying Perique reminds me I bought some pipe tobacco from a top botl on here about 10 years back that was pure perique. Wow that was a peppery pipefull! The April COTM came with a little sidekick, Quintero cigarillo type thing, that too was like pure perique in a mini cigar.

