I'm not trying to put you off here Matt. It's certainly not something to overly worry about. Just something to be aware of.
It's also something that we can be fairly certain that will happen less frequently with practice. I assume that it is purely down to the heat of the smoke entering your mouth and inexperienced pipe smokers tend to struggle to keep the pipe going and perhaps draw harder and more often to compensate for potentially bad bowl packing technique.
I do find that particularly high sugar tobaccos like certain Virginias and Higly 'Cased' (flavoured and sweetened) tobaccos are more likely to burn hot and take a little more care and attention. You could also be correct though that moisture in the form a steam plays a role.
and I have even read a theory that it may be actual chemical burns relating to PH levels of the tobacco, though that's a bit of a stretch for me TBH.
It will all come with practice, but tongue bite is something your likely to encounter at some point and you will know when you do. Though normally the sensation goes away within a few hours.
It's also something that we can be fairly certain that will happen less frequently with practice. I assume that it is purely down to the heat of the smoke entering your mouth and inexperienced pipe smokers tend to struggle to keep the pipe going and perhaps draw harder and more often to compensate for potentially bad bowl packing technique.
I do find that particularly high sugar tobaccos like certain Virginias and Higly 'Cased' (flavoured and sweetened) tobaccos are more likely to burn hot and take a little more care and attention. You could also be correct though that moisture in the form a steam plays a role.
and I have even read a theory that it may be actual chemical burns relating to PH levels of the tobacco, though that's a bit of a stretch for me TBH.
It will all come with practice, but tongue bite is something your likely to encounter at some point and you will know when you do. Though normally the sensation goes away within a few hours.