I got a couple of hermetic jars to store tobaccos in - the type with the metal clip and rubber seal. However, I was wondering if airtight plastic clip lock tupperware boxes would do the same job? I mean the proper airtight ones, not the cheap pound shop ones.
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My First Pipe Experience
My First Pipe Experience
Yes, I should think the plastic ones are as good as the glass ones. However, some of those plastic containers are more expensive than the glass jars.
Personally, I use the screw-top Mason jars as opposed to the clip type. I think they are more reliable in terms of being air tight.
As a side note on storing tobacco, the ziplock bags are ok for short term storage (a few days at most) due to the fact that the moisture does permeate through the plastic. If you can smell the tobacco through the plastic then the moisture and aroma escaping.
I got a few 500ml hermetic jars for a pound each, but I found a 3 pack of 'guaranteed' air tight clip lock containers around 260ml for ?1.50 in Asda. They are a better size than the glass jars. The glass jars are too big for my liking. I'll pick up a pack of them and try them out.
I actually got a 1L mason jar with the screw type lid, but I the instructions on it said that it's not designed for the seal to be broken often. I use it to store pouches of tobacco that I bought.
Re screw tops and single use - yes, I read this too on the label that came with the jar. In reality, the lid does seal repeatedly, such that I have to 'pop' it off each time.
I would prefer it if the the tobacco was packaged in 25g pouches/tins. Unless you smoking through a 50g tin in a few days it loses the freshness quickly even when stored in air tight jars. The repeated opening of the jar lets the magic out and if it's dispersing into the air it's not going in your pipe.
Another wee update... I was in Galway for a few days and I searched online for any shops that sold pipes or pipe tobacco. Found a shop called Powell's (for anyone that might know the shop or the area) that was primarily a musical instrument shop, but also had a large display of Peterson pipes and a few other pipe related paraphernalia, as well as most of the Peterson range of tobaccos. I noticed a few cheaper pipes (most of them were ?34, where the main Peterson pipes started at ?50+) that we're on a Peterson stand and I asked the chap about them. He told me they were Peterson seconds. I done some research that evening and concluded that it would be worth buying one, so I called back the next day and looked at them all - he had a decent range of both bent and straight seconds and he mentioned that he had a couple with a silver band, which he showed me. The ones with the silver band were only ?1 dearer at ?35. I found one I really liked and bought it. It has a shamrock on the silver band and has "Irish Gems" embossed on the pipe. The only issue I can see with it is that the stem is a very tight fitting. This won't be a problem because the pipe doesn't have a filter, so it should be able to complete my regular cleaning without taking the stem off.
I'm hopefully going to have my first smoke with the new pipe in the next hour.
On our way home today, we stopped in Dublin and I called into the Peterson shop and James Fox. Both great shops, but I had left myself very short of cash in Galway (a lot of drink was consumed across the few days!), so couldn't pick up another Peterson pipe. However, I plan to call again in the near future and buy something. I seen quite a few pipes that I loved!
I picked up another bargain in Galway - a 3 pipe Peterson stand for just ?5 because it was the last one the chap had in the shop. This was doubly special because my missus said it looks good and she won't mind it sitting in the house lol. I also spotted the same stand in both James Fox and Peterson and they were much dearer, so definitely bagged a bargain.
The only downside to all this is that I didn't have a chance to smoke a pipe or cigar the whole time I was away - typical lol.
The new "Irish Gem" pipe:
The new Peterson 3 pipe stand:
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