Hi All,
A few weeks ago I got an email from Peter at Invicta Briars, as they were running an offer to people who subscribe to their mailing list.
The offer was buy a pipe from them and they would send you a free Krunzle pipe, well so far my pipes consist of a bulldog from Invicta and a couple estate pipes picked up from ebay, so I thought I would give it a go.
I ordered a cherrywood pipe from the classic range and a couple of days later my pipes arrived.

the cherrywood

and the Krunzle

The pipes look great and as yet I have not smoked them but I am sure I will soon. I would just like to thank Peter for his kind offer and its good to be supporting a British craftsman.
A few weeks ago I got an email from Peter at Invicta Briars, as they were running an offer to people who subscribe to their mailing list.
The offer was buy a pipe from them and they would send you a free Krunzle pipe, well so far my pipes consist of a bulldog from Invicta and a couple estate pipes picked up from ebay, so I thought I would give it a go.
I ordered a cherrywood pipe from the classic range and a couple of days later my pipes arrived.

the cherrywood

and the Krunzle

The pipes look great and as yet I have not smoked them but I am sure I will soon. I would just like to thank Peter for his kind offer and its good to be supporting a British craftsman.