You can get clip on covers that are meant to help too.
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Thought I would give a pipe a go.
I've been playing around with the idea of a pipe for a while now and spent a while last night checking out some Youtube videos on packing methods etc. Decided to bite the bullet so I'm taking myself into town at lunchtime today to buy a starter pipe set. Won't be turning my back on the cigars though
Originally posted by Monty72 View PostI've been playing around with the idea of a pipe for a while now and spent a while last night checking out some Youtube videos on packing methods etc. Decided to bite the bullet so I'm taking myself into town at lunchtime today to buy a starter pipe set. Won't be turning my back on the cigars though
Happy pipe smoking! Hope you get a great first impression
BertSmoke your pipe and be silent; there's only wind and smoke in the world. ~Irish Proverb
Originally posted by Monty72 View PostI've been playing around with the idea of a pipe for a while now and spent a while last night checking out some Youtube videos on packing methods etc. Decided to bite the bullet so I'm taking myself into town at lunchtime today to buy a starter pipe set. Won't be turning my back on the cigars though
I suppose with any new pipe it takes a few smokes before it is broken in and you start to get true flavours.
The other reason I have given the pipe a go is it is fairly cheap, I think about 50-60 pence per bowl for a good quality tobacco.
I smoke the pipe most days and have a cigar a couple of times a week.
Keep us updated.
Well I got some of the shops own brand of Tobacco-name escapes me, Celtic something or other! Loaded her up on Friday and have to say I loved it-great taste off the tobacco. Had to relight a couple of times. Went back to having a cigar on Saturday and decided to re-visit the pipe last night. Some of the videos on Youtube are very helpful regarding filling tips. So all in all I'm delighted with my pipe. The wife is baffled by it-still thinks I'm far too young [I'm going on 44!!] to be smoking a pipe. I told her that is a myth and so long as it's enjoyable age doesn't matter
Well done Monty, glad you like the pipe and the tobacco. I have a meeting later today in Perth and will try and pick up a couple of tins of tobacco then. I dont think 44 is to young, there seems to be a lot of young guys on youtube smoking the pipe.
That's not young! I was 20 when I started smoking a pipe! Mind you, a lot of my fellow Navy brethren did give me a lot of banter for it!
I am here:,-1.329933
Squadron is very mild and a good introduction to the classic english mixture flavour (essentially virginia and a bit of oriental). Dunhill's Early Morning is great (and not just in the morning!), more oriental in it which gives it a stronger (but still delicate) flavour. In fact it is worth trying other Dunhill mixes, particularly as most of the price is made up of tax in the UK as a premium brand they are hardly any more expensive than the cheapest supermarket offerings.
A good way of trying out different styles, be it english or aromatics, is the sampler selections now available from Glynn at Gauntleys of Nottingham. Have a look at their cigar based website for great slection of pipe tobaccos including their own - rather than rebadged - blends (Glynn also runs the Nottingham pipe club and knows his stuff). That way you get a good overview without ending up with a tin or packet you find you actually don't like. Also Glynn does a great house 'Nottingham' blend made with cuban cigar leaf so that should definately be on the list of anyone on this site I would suggest!
On the subject of St Bruno, I love that too. But it is quite a heavy 'lakeland' (or more properly traditionally english floral) flavour so perhaps not for a very new pipe smoker (although anyone who likes cigars should be fine with it). Condor too has a lot of fans, but I find it far more floral (and 'soapy') than St B so again not one for eveyone. Also I would personally avoid Gold Block - lovely packaging, but a tendency to burn very hot and bite your tongue.
My own favourite aromatics include Erinmore flake (juiceyfruit gum - but don't let that put you off!), Ennerdale flake (almond/vanilla) and Bob's Chocolate flake (dark cocoa)."The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life"
Bill Shankly
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