I did lay the tobacco on a piece of paper for 20mins first but maybe this wasn't enough. Thanks MC I'll try a longer dry and a lighter pack.
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What are you smoking now? (PIPES)
Always good to experiment! Just keep drying for an extra 10 mins until you get to a state that works for you!Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Personally I leave it for roughly the time it takes me to give my pipe a quick clean, so not too long. Though after charring light I let it sit for another 5 minutes.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Tried giving it a longer drying time tonight and found it does light much easier,tho I suspect it's lost a little flavour compaired to last nights wetter effort. Maybe a drying time In between I'll give a nice balance. Oh well I've pleanty of time to experiment.
As a side note do people match drinks to blends in the same way as people do with cigars? I'm currently pairing early morning with a reserve IPA.
Originally posted by Tucky View PostTried giving it a longer drying time tonight and found it does light much easier,tho I suspect it's lost a little flavour compaired to last nights wetter effort. Maybe a drying time In between I'll give a nice balance. Oh well I've pleanty of time to experiment.
As a side note do people match drinks to blends in the same way as people do with cigars? I'm currently pairing early morning with a reserve IPA.
Scotch and Bourbon I drink with both, while I tend to drink Brandy and Port with the pipe.
I have recently been getting into wine much more and have paired it with cigars quite happily but wouldn't dream of drinking it with a pipe.
Coffee = Cigars and Tea = Pipe IMO..
It's certainly not a science, just how it seems to work for me.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Tewksbury Hobbits Weed, a bugger to light at the start but once going it was lovely! The dry smell is simply divine.
I think I'm going to have to play about with drying times for a bit on this one.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
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