Yeah, I like that idea actually. We set a financial figure that we could sign up to (ie, not too high, even if that means less goodies sent), have a date each month when the money has to be in by (to a [EDITED] account etc), then some of the more experienced people on here could take turns and spend whatever the pot is by each month cut off date on the best/most interesting selection, box splits etc, they can manage with the money available (taking account of postage costs of course!) and then send out to the participents.
Doing it this way would mean if someone is skint one month then they can just opt out by not sending the money so it becomes a bit more flexible than the other club, and of course it would also be a 'not for profit' mutual set up (and I like those!). Plus, I'm sure that the selectors would relish the challenge to put together the best selection that (that months) money can buy
Doing it this way would mean if someone is skint one month then they can just opt out by not sending the money so it becomes a bit more flexible than the other club, and of course it would also be a 'not for profit' mutual set up (and I like those!). Plus, I'm sure that the selectors would relish the challenge to put together the best selection that (that months) money can buy