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Vitola's Smoking Den - or MLW Summerhouse.....

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  • #91
    Wow that's looking amazing! Good stuff!

    Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk


    • #92
      This is looking great Alan, top work.


      • #93
        Moved inside to finish off adding a finished bead to the internal roof line/gap and plugged the drafts....much better

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • #94
          Nearly Ready for the Inside......

          Next instalment BOTL......Roof now has temporary felt covering in place.....did such a good job its a shame to cover it up....

          The electrician on site to fix all the cables/conduit above the floor level, so we can move to finish the jobs inside. Electrics are in and
          we have power and heat to the place now.

          Conduit fitted outside for the power switch of the fan, and I had to construct a false wall/box to house the ducting/exhaust of the extractor fan (one thing to note when attaching anything to the log walls, only fix against one log where possible and try not to tie two logs together with your fixings to allow for the natural wood expansion) - the box is placed close under the eaves and on the leeward side of the building from the prevailing wind.

          Will now be moving inside to finish off remaining jobs - treating internal walls with wood protectant, laying floor insulation and floor boards.....will keep you posted on the next instalment


          • #95
            Excellent work!
            Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


            • #96


              • #97
                Originally posted by Vitola View Post
                ............Will now be moving inside to finish off remaining jobs - treating internal walls with wood protectant, laying floor insulation and floor boards.....will keep you posted on the next instalment
                I’d skip all that and move in for my first smoke


                • #98
                  You make it seem so easy. So well planned. Looks like it's coming along without a hitch. Excellent work. Scaring me off though as it is a lot of work. And you've got the details to come next.

                  Looking forward to the next phase!
                  I think I may finally have this CAD under control...


                  • #99
                    Beautiful mate. Absolutely beautiful.

                    Even though I smoke indoors, I'm very envious of such a great pad. Great place for a party!


                    • Lovely space that's going to be.


                      • Looking really good.

                        Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk


                        • That looks great
                          ..very nice

                          Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk


                          • Originally posted by ha_banos View Post
                            You make it seem so easy. So well planned. Looks like it's coming along without a hitch. Excellent work. Scaring me off though as it is a lot of work. And you've got the details to come next.

                            Looking forward to the next phase!
                            Completely agree with this.. all credit to you though if you are going to do it best make sure it?s done right.
                            I?m following this thread with zest as I?m heading down this route very soon.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            • Inside we go......

                              Back again.....she's nearly there.....Swept through and cleared all the debris from between the beams before laying the final floor insulation layer. The insulation is going in relatively quickly - easy to cut straight through the board with a long bladed utility knife

                              All exposed joints and edges sealed with foil tape to finish off

                              Time to start laying the floor - remembering to keep a 5 - 10mm gap all around the edge for expansion - 2-4 pieces of roofing felt back to back make a good spacer

                              The floor is coming along nicely. The floor is floating so to speak and is nailed every 3 or 4 boards using hidden nails into the tongue of the boards

                              The floor laid - the last half dozen boards need to be measured and cut accordingly before final fixing and this is probably the most fiddly bit getting that final half board cut and in place - a floor pulling bar is most useful

                              Skirting added and nailed to the bottom log - not the floor boards - ready for floor treatment

                              Floor treated with a preserver and will now leave the floor to settle for the next 72 hours+ before applying 3 coats of Danish oil - probably take a week - patience!


                              • Nice job! From personal experience, I think that Danish oil is the work of the devil. I'd highly recommend Osmo Polyx hardwax oil - hard wearing, 2 thin coats, and easy to repair. Just my 2p worth.

                                Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

