Hi All,
Not posted on here for a while...been quietly reading though! I don't smoke in the flat so I guess I am a bit of fair weather smoker! However...the summer is looking very good! Thanks in part to my mother of all people! Brought back some awesome gifts from her trip to Cuba!
The loose sticks are the obligatory factory buys.... few green patches so not sure about these! What is the general consensus on these?
Leaves me with a bit of a storage problem as the humidor only fits 30! Also would you recommend freezing before storing or should they be ok?
Not posted on here for a while...been quietly reading though! I don't smoke in the flat so I guess I am a bit of fair weather smoker! However...the summer is looking very good! Thanks in part to my mother of all people! Brought back some awesome gifts from her trip to Cuba!
The loose sticks are the obligatory factory buys.... few green patches so not sure about these! What is the general consensus on these?
Leaves me with a bit of a storage problem as the humidor only fits 30! Also would you recommend freezing before storing or should they be ok?