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Some cheap ones

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  • Some cheap ones

    Ok so I got some cheap smokes. Don`t want to call them everyday smokes as I don`t want to start smoking everyday. So cheap in fact I wasn't` going to bother putting pics up but the boxes look like they have been tampered with. Some of the labels razored open. Is this normal? Only ever bought one box before and from a different supplier. I don`t think they had been cut but may have been just too dam eager and not noticed.

    Odd that some but not all are cut plus surely these are way way too cheap cigars to be faking?

  • #2
    They cut the seals to check the contents, then add bubble wrap if necessary (when shipping) and add secondary seals to the box.

    I can tell where you got them from, they're legit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      Cool, thanks. Didn`t realise how naff the pics were till i looked after uploading. sorry about that i`m working on it


      • #4
        Originally posted by Wigan View Post
        Odd that some but not all are cut plus surely these are way way too cheap cigars to be faking?
        Originally posted by Budgie Smuggler View Post
        They cut the seals to check the contents, then add bubble wrap if necessary
        yupp. they check it as many cigars may have beetle problems. keeping sealed boxes potentially fuilled with beetles isn't good for storage. so open it up when it arrives, dust off white mould if need and toss out green mould, open it up when it's ready to be sent, and send only if they're good.

        inspected boxes from sources are better than sealed boxes from sources. unless, of course, it's one condition that i just won't mention.......
        Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
        Marc's a Fat Molly
        Click here for a fun, relevant song!


        • #5
          Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View Post
          inspected boxes from sources are better than sealed boxes from sources. unless, of course, it's one condition that i just won't mention.......
          I`m waiting for that saga to be made into a mini series for tv. (Not intending any offence to involved partys)


          • #6
            Let's wait until it's over first. Otherwise documentary would be better I feel.


            • #7

