Too good not to share! And with everything going around on books, I want to share what I just found!
Know those book drives for 50p in your local community centres? Ones with titles like:
"to rescue a ranger". We had this at our work with shitty little books lined up and everything... That's what i though, anyways.
Well, I found these gems for 50 CENTS each!
That's a quarter (GBP) for you blokes.

Take THAT Stevie Boy
Sent from my BlackBerry Q10 using Tapatalk for Android.
Know those book drives for 50p in your local community centres? Ones with titles like:
"to rescue a ranger". We had this at our work with shitty little books lined up and everything... That's what i though, anyways.
Well, I found these gems for 50 CENTS each!
That's a quarter (GBP) for you blokes.

Take THAT Stevie Boy

Sent from my BlackBerry Q10 using Tapatalk for Android.