Originally posted by sbthang
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Originally posted by Pleevy View PostIf I could refer you to Toms post here http://www.ukcigarforums.com/entry.p...itics#comments , you will see that he does infact know how to spell the insult in question. If I could be so bold as to refer you to this video by Stephen Fry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7E-aoXLZGY If Mr Fry doesn't care really care for perfect Grammar or Spelling, should we?
I think Tom has taken enough of a battering already. Maybe if he stuck around you could school him in the way of the insult.
Anyway, more to the point, I have to say that I am very pleased to have seen the word 'twerp' used. I have to say that I believe it is a greatly underused word, ranking amongst the greats of underused words (such as 'nincompoop' and 'scallywag'...)
Ah, I see that Puff has beaten me to Mr Fry's fraudulent past... A funny man, at times, definitely... And doubtless of above average intelligence. But let's not forget his team of researchers on QI (forgetting that a lot of what they come up with is based in considerably spurious evidence in the first place...)
Oh dear. I do apologise. But I seem to have the same condition as Puff when it comes to people holding Stephen Fry up as some sort of beacon of what is right and/or correct...
I think we will have to disagree regarding Mr Fry, I am a pretty big fan. Good Fry knowledge, I must say I was pretty surprised when I found out that he had been locked up but to be fair to the man, he was actually still minor at the age of 17 when it happened.
Obviously I would much rather read something with perfect grammar and spelling, but some people just aren't all that good at it (myself included, sometimes), still good to hear what someone has to say.
Another one I like is 'Buffoon'
He wasn't personally bashed in that blog entry - simonc questioned the use of 'death metal'. There is/was nothing to stop some debate about whether his definition is correct or not (though without the use of quite so many asterisks, one would hope)... Blogs are often a little close to the bone (sometimes used to unleash the amateur comedian - however cringing at times). More importantly, they are somewhere to air some slightly controversial topics in order to stimulate debate. Which it did, with thoughts from both sides creating an interesting discussion.
Actually, I could have taken great exception at one of Simon's comments:
vomit streams of 23 year old bloggers grunting under their vastly sticky bulk, the creepy loners, the inept, the awkward, the escapee, the truly unemployable, throwing out four to five letter descriptive adjectives like "nice" and "tasty"
As we Brits are reknowned for a very distinctive, dry (and sometimes biting) way of ribbing over things, it is probably best to avoid sites from over here, or enter into the spirit a bit and fight for your corner with equal amounts of wit, sarcasm and irony (and fewer asterisks)...
For what it's worth - I thoroughly enjoyed the review in question. Not bothered one way or the other over the music - if I wanted to listen to my favourite music I'd have put a CD on. I was far more interested in what two (seemingly) amiable and interesting guys thought about a cigar - and from that point of view I thought it was a winner.
Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post...please ban Tomscigars...
Simonc does have a habit of (as he would proclaim) "Calling it as he see's it" - just because one is of a 'frank and forthright' disposition, doesn't mean that one isn't rude, abrupt or abrasive...eh?
Surely we've gotta give a man the right of reply? Only seems fair to me...
Originally posted by CigarTomPrecisely. So since Tomscigars appears to have been banned, I propose we ban SimonC.The new charity auction: http://www.ukcigarforums.com/showthr...lighter-raffle
Originally posted by Stevieboy View PostI've a feeling Tomscigars and Cigartom might be the same person?!?
I don't think I care if he's Uncle Tom Cobley, nor do I care what 'Death Metal' is, and even less about the transgressions of Mr Fry. Just seems to me that a perfectly good and well intended post has been lost somewhere along the line. Sorry.
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