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What are you reading at the moment

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  • #16
    I've got a few on the go that I tend to dip in and out of depending on my mood. Currently reaching mostly for Aldous Huxley's Island, and I've just about finished Nick Rosen's How to live off-grid. I also need to finish off The God Delusion as my mate wants it back.


    • #17
      The two evening courses I'm taking, Corporation Finance and Intro to Western Art Music, supply my current reading. I enjoy the music course's text and expect to add some composers' biographies to my shelf.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Robusto View Post
        I'm a Stephen King fan.
        Me too mate!! Love his stuff


        • #19
          Hey Drew, Just realised I've got 'The Book Thief' too.
          Someone bought it me for Christmas and I'd forgot it. It's my next read.
          And talking about Captain Correlli, the wife and I were in the resort were they filmed it about four years ago. Can't remember were it was at the mo.
          Nice place but not much there. There's one set of traffic lights in the town and no one takes any notice of them.
          The local kid's just drop their push bikes in the middle of the road and walk into the shops, the cars, mainly Taxi's, just drive round them and no-one cares at all.
          It's so laid back and slow it's great, but boring after a week.



          • #20
            [quote=Deano;10735]Mr Moore - sounds interesting, I suspect it's pretty bleak reading.

            Finished off Churchill's Second World War before Christmas, was given first edition "History of the English speaking peoples" by my mum/step father at Chrimbo and reading through that at the mo.

            First edition Deano ! that must be worth a good few quid.

            Im just reading a book about the life of a polish gulag survivor Janusz Bardach called "man is wolf to man".
            Very sad yet very inspiring.


            If you like music bio's, have you read "crazy diamond", about Syd Barret, A real eye opener about the traetment he recieved from other band members, it certainly made me see Roger waters in a diffrent light.
            You know RW went to a REM gig and after gig went backstage to speak to M stipe, but old Roger was left standing at his door because stipe would not see him over the syd barret treatment !
            Anyway its a good read.


            • #21
              Thanks Mr M, I will add that to my Amazon wants list.

              The lady wife got us tickets to a Syd tribute concert at the Barbican. It was only about ?10 per ticket and Roger Walters played at the end of the first half then the remaining members of Floyd played at the end of the show. Saw some other good acts and Daman Blur who has an extremely high opinion of himeself, rather undeserved IMHO.
              Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


              • #22
                Originally posted by nicwing View Post
                Thanks Mr M, I will add that to my Amazon wants list.

                The lady wife got us tickets to a Syd tribute concert at the Barbican. It was only about ?10 per ticket and Roger Walters played at the end of the first half then the remaining members of Floyd played at the end of the show. .



                • #23
                  ?10 !! Did you know that was to take place or was it a surprise.


                  • #24
                    Finally gotten round to reading the last two Rebus novels. Half way through the 1st of the two .


                    • #25
                      An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars by Min Ron NEE

                      Love Life - Love Cigars


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                        An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars by Min Ron NEE



                        • #27
                          Finished a book called Midas, by Russell Andrews the other day. A thriller type and not too bad. Moved on to the Herman Wouk classic, The Winds of War. It's been a while since I last read this, but it's still a great read. Obviously I have War and Remembrance to follow up with when I finish this.

                          I was thinking about getting the DVD of the mini series and just had a quick look on Amazon. It seems The Winds of War is available as a region 2 DVD, but War and Remembrance is only made in region 1, NTSC format. Very strange.


                          • #28
                            Ive just started Obamas "Dreams From My Father" to see what the fuss is about, before that It was Russell Brands My Booky Wook, not the most intelligent of reads but entertaining throughout.

                            Seeing what everyone else is reading, I think I should get my coat.
                            Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


                            • #29
                              Just started Mercury & Me by Jim Hutton, second time around for this one.
                              A deeply touching honest account of the last 8 years of Freddie Mercurys life by Jim Hutton, his partner, gardener, lover & carer who shyed away from Freddies showbiz life and was with him until the end.

                              This is a must for anyone who was ever a fan and even if you werent it's still a very good read.
                              Free the UKCF one


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kdot View Post
                                Seeing what everyone else is reading, I think I should get my coat.
                                I'm reading Jenna Jameson's life story so don't worry pal!!

