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What are you reading at the moment

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  • What are you reading at the moment

    As I'm sure were all intelligent people here and enjoy the relaxation of a good book, what's everyone reading at the moment?
    I enjoy nothing more than kicking back of an evening with a large Italian coffee and stogie of my choice.
    Currently I'm towards the end of "Spilling the beans " the autobiography of Clarrissa Dickson-Wright (the remaining half of the Two Fat Ladies fame.)
    Her life it seems has been rather full, she was first and the youngest female to qualify as a barrister and get called to the bar at the age of 21, was a frequent pipe smoker and claims to have carnal knowledge behind the speakers chair in the house of commons many years ago. The thought of which puts me off any of her recipes. She spent many years within society and royal circles most of which were done completely boozed out of her head as an alcoholic before accidently drifting onto TV.
    Thank god she did!

    Lined up next is "James and the Giant Peach" as chosen by my 6 yr old daughter. A must have classic so I am told!!

    Free the UKCF one

  • #2
    Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
    claims to have carnal knowledge behind the speakers chair in the house of commons many years ago
    (((SHUDDER))) Fuckin' hell Boss! I'll not sleep tonight!!

    BTW. I'm reading CRUCIFIXION by Michael Slade then I have the last two Rebus novels lined up


    • #3
      Im reading "blood red snow", a rare account of a german soldier on the eastern front, pretty bleak as some of you with an interest in these matters will know.
      Iv'e read a few on the eastern front now Anthony Beaver's stalingrad is another one that springs to mind, you know I don't think there has ever been in modern history such a harrowing theatre of war than that of the eastern front. Hard to read and absorb in parts, feel like I have to pinch myself and say was this real, did this actually happen!
      Truly apocalyptic gentlemen.

      Just finished "the damage done", another bleak book Im afraid, about an aussie who gets jail'd in thailand for twelve years.


      • #4
        Hey Boss, my wife read the CD-W book and loved it, she was certainly a girl in her time.

        I'm reading Bounder , the biography of Terry Thomas, though I have to admin, extremely slowly) and lined up next is Low side of the road, the biography of Tom Waits.

        I love a music biography, I have read so many, looking at my book shelf, it's great to get into an insight.

        Your daughter is dead right about James and the Giant Peach, one of my all time favourite books, and the one I go back to again and again, is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, so easy to spot the bad guys they could almost be wearing black hats.
        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


        • #5
          Still trying to find time to finish Churchill's Cigar by Stephen McGinty.

          Have started re-reading Germinal by Emile Zola in French. Powerful stuff.

          I'm like all the teachers I know. I can only stop long enough to read in the Summer holidays.
          Last edited by Robusto; 29-03-2009, 07:29 AM.


          • #6
            'A Killing Frost' one of the Frost books that was turned into a TV series starring David Jason.
            It's the first one of these that I've read and it's quite good.


            • #7
              Just finished Catcher in The Rye, an all time classic.


              • #8
                Mr Moore - sounds interesting, I suspect it's pretty bleak reading.

                Finished off Churchill's Second World War before Christmas, was given first edition "History of the English speaking peoples" by my mum/step father at Chrimbo and reading through that at the mo.

                Unforunately a few technical books are currently taking the forefront on my reading list; design patterns, generics etc. All good fun.


                • #9
                  The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. A german girl in the second world war who steals books and has a Jew hidden in the basement. The Narrator however is death. Its great and actually a very easy read.

                  My osteopath gives me lists of books to read and she's usually pretty good. All slightly girly stuff, but trust me the women love it when they see you've read Captain Corelli's Mandolin. I'll be honest I'd read the back of the Kellogs box. I read like a fiend.


                  Cynical old fool that I am.



                  • #10
                    Have you ever read any of that Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights or Pride And Prejudice stuff, Drew? That's lady-lit, yes?


                    • #11
                      I haven't Bryan, but I really should. I'm afraid Paradise Lost is the next thing on the shelf... so then it will have to be some Wilbur Smith crap after that.... then I should tuck into a little bit of Bronte!

                      Are you a floaty dress and unrequited love type of fella?



                      • #12
                        Currently reading Final Winter by Brendan Dubois, a thriller.

                        Had just finished The Letter of the Marque by Patrick O'Brian, an historical naval tale from the Jack Aubrey - Stephen Maturin series. You may recognise the characters, the first book in the series was made in to a film, Master and Commander. A very good read, now I'll need to start getting the rest of the series.

                        Another good historical naval tale is By The Mast Divided by David Donachie, I'll need to get some more of his books as well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
                          I haven't Bryan, but I really should. I'm afraid Paradise Lost is the next thing on the shelf... so then it will have to be some Wilbur Smith crap after that.... then I should tuck into a little bit of Bronte!

                          Are you a floaty dress and unrequited love type of fella?

                          Nah. Don't mind looking at floaty dresses but only on telly, and I like to quite a squeeze. I just tend to think that the lady novel won't work for a chap.

                          I'm a Stephen King fan. I've had to study and teach too much meaningful literature that I like horror pap now more than anything else. Good story like a soap and not too much analysis.

                          I think I have knackered my brain over time by too much thinking. I just want to laugh for what remains.

                          I did Paradise Lost (some of) for A Level English. Why on earth are you heading there, Drew?


                          • #14
                            Its funny I'm staring at about 30 Stephen Kings on the shelf right now. I have to say i think he's a great story teller.

                            I'm sure I'll learns something from Mr Milton. Not sure what though. lol



                            • #15
                              Look at what I've just posted in Sundaaaay Smooooke.
                              I was in a brooding mood before turning up.
                              Get that feeling?

