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  • Barcelona

    I'm off to Barcelona next Thursday and was wondering if there is much of a difference in box prices compared to the UK?

    If it's worth buying when I'm over there, anywhere you'd recommend? Best prices, best selection, etc.

    Last of all, any problems with keeping them in hand luggage on the way back?

    Any help appreciated!

  • #2
    oh you lucky devil. barcalona.


    • #3
      I believe a Spain is one of the best places to buy cubans. Good and cheap, well cheaper than here but then again what isn't?


      • #4
        there is a great dedicated cigar shop at the airport! Not massively cheap but much cheaper than the UK.



        • #5
          I love Barca!! There's a huge shop on Las Ramblas that was the cheapest place I could find when I was there a few years ago. There are literally dozens of Tabacs but not all keep a huge range of cigars but even so, you'll be spoiled for choice - you jammy git


          • #6
            This is sounding promising! Would I be better buying in the airport on the way back? I'm after a box of RASCC and/or PSP4...


            • #7
              I'd love to go there.

              My wife's been there with her girls' crowd and came back raving. Maybe some of us could do something like that in the future, tho for me it would have to be in 2010 at the earliest as I've got to fork out for Cuba in Oct/Nov first.


              • #8
                As the Government in Spain set the prices for all tobacco products they helpfully have a web page with the prices for everything here Also, all tobacco products can only be sold from registered Tabac shops.

                Steve is right, the best Tabac shops are to be found on Las Ramblas.


                • #9
                  If I mail myself today I mite make it by next Thursday to your home .then U could smuggle me in a suitecase and take me to Barcelona with U. Then we could look for the best cigar prices together. Hold on GSS its gonna be a bumpy ride!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
                    I'm off to Barcelona next Thursday and was wondering if there is much of a difference in box prices compared to the UK?

                    If it's worth buying when I'm over there, anywhere you'd recommend? Best prices, best selection, etc.

                    Last of all, any problems with keeping them in hand luggage on the way back?

                    Any help appreciated!
                    Mr. Dave, Pick up a copy of the most recent Cigar Magazine. It lists the most recent prices using Spain as the benchmark.

                    FYI, they ain't that cheap, IMO, but maybe less the in the UK.

                    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ramon View Post
                      As the Government in Spain set the prices for all tobacco products they helpfully have a web page with the prices for everything here Also, all tobacco products can only be sold from registered Tabac shops.

                      Steve is right, the best Tabac shops are to be found on Las Ramblas.
                      Ramon, you darlin'. That is a most helpful link! *bookmarked*

                      No luck gss, I need the space in my suitcase for cigars

                      [EDIT] Thanks TJ. You may be disgusted (or amused..?) to know that UK retail prices are still more than Spanish ones. Considerably so in some cases.


                      • #12
                        Possibly more importantly than cigars (WHAT?? lol) you should try and see the Gaudi Cathedral and the Park.... absolutely amazing.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
                          Possibly more importantly than cigars (WHAT?? lol) you should try and see the Gaudi Cathedral and the Park.... absolutely amazing.

                          Correct and correct. Both excellent esp. the cathedral.


                          • #14
                            Agreed, the Sagrada Familia is probably the most awe-inspiring pieces of architecture I've seen, along with the Gaudi museum up on the hill, and even all the Gaudi (and Gaudi inspiried) buildings along the Ramblas.

                            Don't forget the open market - it's amazing. It's got a tiny entrance (oh er) and can easily be missed, but it opens up to a large brilliant market.

                            There's a cool boat/floating bar at the dock too.


                            • #15
                              Mr. Dave
                              I am sadened that U would put cigars befor a BOTL! Sob,rubbing my eyes,holding back the crying ! Oh Ya thats right gotta load up on gars,your right need all the room U can get. Enjoy your trip and my the cigar gods point U in the right direction

