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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deano View Post
    Yeah I know. I can't play golf.
    Great pic Dean!! Love the sports-casual look. "I'm on a golf course and nothing going to stop me" - to paraphrase Alan P


    • #17
      With a Padron 2000 maduro. My first time with one of these, I've got Lavazza expresso on the go with it and it's almost turning into a religious experience!

      Absolutley loving these so much, will definatley get some more.
      Attached Files
      Free the UKCF one


      • #18
        Great shot, Mr Hog.

        Drew - Can you put up a clip of the Fairy Tale Banana Flick?


        Or maybe just some soundtrack?

        Pinnocchio strikes me as an obvious tale to adapt.

        Did you stick to the tried and tested soundtrack throb format, or did you wander up other alleys?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Robusto View Post
          Good to see more stogie and pipe shots shouting from avatars.
          Great game.

          You are looking very thin Brian, you should eat more cheese!
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
            What do you play off ?
            Your right hand needs a slight adjustment, gripwise.
            Your left looks spot on.
            Do you use interlock or varden ?
            Your too close to the ball, you should be able to put your hand through the gap between groin to grip.
            Your haunched over slightly and in there is a bit too much bend in the knees, which normally causes lose of power through impact as well as inconsistancy through impact.
            Do you find yourself taking big divots.
            Try standing up straighter and sticking out your rear more, all good swings start with a sound, solid foundation.
            To be honest I'd need to see side profile and swing path footage for proper diognistic report.
            I know you didn't ask for any advice, but all good golfers give advice, we can't help it !!
            Lastly and most important of all, are you wearing denim on the course, Jesus H Christ Deano, thats Genisis 1, chapter 1, verse 1 of the golfing bible, THOU SHALL NOT WEAR JEANS ON THE COURSE.
            Thats knocked me sick seeing those jeans on a golf tee.
            I was speaking to a solicitor friend recently who said he had an unexpected visit from another friend of ours on a dress down friday, he was very embarrased to be caught by a client wearing jeans, his client (ex Royal Navy and never a quiet cove) took one look at his 'trews' and shouted, for all the large office to hear "The DEVIL's Trousers, you are wearing The DEVIL's TROUSERS"
            Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


            • #21
              Thank you, kind Nic.

              I'm pretty sure that that's a Rocky Patel DECADE sent over by the Sputnik. After a beauty like that, I find I have no fromage hankerings at all. I'm sure I'm going to be ordered to lose weight by my doc this week so I might need some co-chaps for that proposed weight loss challenge. Still can't find the scales!


              • #22
                Out on the town the other week: nice plume of smokage going on there

                I've cropped the wife out.

                "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
                  I did the music for four porn movies based on fairy tales for the fantasy channel about ten years ago. They were pretty poor, but I needed the money. There was one woman in "The Little Mermaid" one called mouse and the director (a lovely intelligent lady!)told me that mouse kept the crew amused between takes by firing bananas across the studio floor. Me being as innocent as I am I'm not sure how she would do that, but I'm sure some of your more worldly wise fellas have a good idea....

                  Sorry that was all a little irrelevant but I thought you might like a daft anecdote.

                  Wow. How does one get into writing music for the adult film industry? I think I was born to do that.
                  Business in the front. Party in the back.
                  UKCF is now mobile friendly!

                  The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


                  • #24
                    Deano I have to say, classic photo.
                    You have that columbian cartel look off to a tee.
                    I hope you dont mind me using this.
                    Its a classic mate.
                    The names Deano Coliano.
                    Great stuff.
                    Attached Files


                    • #25

                      Love Life - Love Cigars


                      • #26
                        1 for the ol timer


                        • #27
                          Sorry chaps, last one.
                          But this looks like a branch of the Gambino crime family.
                          Brilliant stick shots, Great stuff.
                          Deano n cohiba gambino.
                          Attached Files


                          • #28

                            F**KING LOL.....
                            Love Life - Love Cigars


                            • #29
                              Nice use of hat, cigar and zapata, Drew.
                              There's enough facial hair amongst us to form a platoon.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by cj121 View Post
                                Out on the town the other week: nice plume of smokage going on there

                                I've cropped the wife out.

                                "I've cropped the wife out." Is this just a functional thing for the photo or a reflection of your relationship?


