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Where would you most like to smoke one off?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ramon View Post
    How about here?

    I've swam in the large pool there.
    Very nice Ramon.


    • #32
      Dusk on the Nile. This was a few years back on the river nile, somewhere between Aswan and Luxor.
      I would love to go back someday.
      I didn't smoke cigars back then but this is me on the pipe !!
      Has anyone ever tried a Sisha ??
      Attached Files


      • #33
        Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
        Dusk on the Nile. This was a few years back on the river nile, somewhere between Aswan and Luxor.
        I would love to go back someday.
        I didn't smoke cigars back then but this is me on the pipe !!
        Has anyone ever tried a Sisha ??
        love to try some of that, I hear they flavour them with things like apple and spices. My brother in law has something similar but he sure dont put apple in it though!
        Free the UKCF one


        • #34
          Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
          Dusk on the Nile. This was a few years back on the river nile, somewhere between Aswan and Luxor.
          I would love to go back someday.
          I didn't smoke cigars back then but this is me on the pipe !!
          Has anyone ever tried a Sisha ??
          May I just say, Mr Moore, that your first jpeg has an uncanny resemblance to Impression, Soleil Levant by Claude Monet which is considered by many critics to be the very first Impressionist painting?

          Close but no cigar.


          • #35

            Great pics. I was lucky enough to spend some time down the road in Seillans. First glance at the photos and I thought it was the same place.

            very, very special.
            a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a Smoke. - Rudyard Kipling


            • #36

              I love Claude Monet impressions. What an interesting life he had!
              I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
              Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
              Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
              Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

              The Dawg.


              • #37
                Saw some of his series of winter hay rick pictures in the Arts Institute in Chicago bloody fantastic!

                Took our kids to Givernay (?) when they were young, not sure they got it but we loved it.

                Can't get enough Claude.
                Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                • #38
                  les meulnes, I think they are called, Nic. Those haystacks. Amazing.
                  I love his paintings of the facade of Rouen Cathedral at different times of the day.


                  • #39
                    On the nosey mon ami. Get yourself to Chicago!

                    I hate Roen Cathedral, not the painting, just the cathedral. A pigeon the size of a jumbo jet shat on me from a very great height when I was there, cycling round Normandy & youth hosteling, my clothes were locked in the hostel all day and I stank, I had to resort to dodging into department stores and dousing myself in aftershave!

                    "Them damn boirds, I'm not a madam I'm a concierge"
                    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                    • #40
                      It must be French birds, Nic.

                      I was at some French friends' wedding in Paris when the bride received an outsize pigeon 'surprise' Stealth bomber felchsplat over her hair and white dress when posing on the steps of an impressive Hotel de Ville.

                      It was a fantastic moment. She swore in French, and then shouted for the English people present:

                      Bugg-air eat. I ave zur bared sheet on mah showl-dare.

                      All Anglos wet themselves.
                      Well worth the Eurostar, that was.


                      • #41
                        A Clouseau moment!
                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

