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WeightWatchers on Stogies

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  • WeightWatchers on Stogies

    I post this half-heartedly, but does anyone fancy having a weight loss challenge between cigar men?

    I had to lose three stones for an operation just over a year ago and did it comfortably. I know how to. I know what my bad eating and drinking habits are. I'm just looking for some like-minded web-mates to de-bloat with.

    I would like to lose weight but I've found a new vice. It's M&S party sausages. You get 30 of them in a plastic tub for about ?2.30 and they are easy to pork down on the way home from a late gig. They are bought from an M&S garage, followed seamlessly by a couple of two-bar Bountys. Oh yeah - and a honey and vanilla based Smoothie. Better than interminable Coca Colas.

    What's a boy to do after one am if he's not going to buy a kebab with his bandmates?

    Just arsing around really - But if anyone wants to de-pork, come out about it and we can make it into a fat loss cigar chase challenge.

  • #2
    Evening Bryan,

    The concept you have come up with is certainly a novel one. I though have kinda been there and wore the t shirt. Basically at one point I tipped the scales at nearly 16 stone, now I am only 11 stone and a bit.


    Trust the flu has evaporated??


    • #3
      Nah, Gabriel.

      Missus clarted up, coughing and sneezing left right and centre and probably not going to work tomorrow.

      I still have a wheezing cough at the end of my breath. I've not had a cigar for a week now and think I'll blast in there again in the next day or two.

      It's just bloody boring now.


      • #4
        Im up for this robusto started a diet last week, if we set a deadline and post our weights now and then again at the deadline ill award a cigar to the biggest loser lol.


        • #5
          Yeah I'll go along with it - I could definitely do with losing some weight atm!!!


          • #6
            K men.

            Shall we post our weights without shame on here by tomorrow evening?

            And shall we say what we are going to do without?

            I tell you something. If I smoke a good fat one, I'm never hungry afterwards.

            Should we set targets?

            Or is that too much of a whip fest?


            • #7
              Pie charts are highly scoring.
              We'll need some of those.


              • #8
                mmmmmm pie, now im hungry, no Bry no pie charts they are too distracting haha.


                • #9
                  Nice one, Alex!

                  Must cut out biscuits at work. They're always offered whilst we sit in a circle between trolleys of humming laptops and moan about all sorts. I'll do that one today.


                  • #10
                    Yeh I'm looking to lose about 9 pounds. Been trying for ages, but always resort to the wine in the evening - which is where it all comes from.


                    • #11
                      my wife has been a diet & fitness instructor for rosemary conley for the last 5 years should anyone require information or advice, I will gladly pass it on if anyone wants to pm me.
                      Not allowed to mention weightwatchers though, to her it's a dirty word!!
                      Free the UKCF one


                      • #12
                        Looks like the lard jumped ship from her and onto you, Boss Bollock Chops.


                        • #13
                          Can anyone do clever graphics?
                          An on-line winner's tape would be neat.


                          • #14
                            Robusto I would like to join your weight loss challenge however, I am not prepared to come out of the closet with my weight mate!!!! Maybe I could follow in spirit need to lose about 3 stone!!!! may start exercising tomorrow Good luck guys I am with you but not online LOL.
                            I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
                            Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
                            Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
                            Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

                            The Dawg.


                            • #15
                              I can't find our scales. She's hidden them.

