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Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John

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  • #31
    Originally posted by jamesmids View Post
    Im sure it'll have the best in life and be loved, let's face it there are straight couples who's parenting skills are questionable , as long as a child is brought up with manners love and good morals , isn't that what's important?
    Am I missing something?? Two men together, morality??
    I went to bed on Earth in 2010 & have woken up on another planet this year! must stay orf the Campari....


    • #32
      I'm glad attitudes have shifted so much from queer bashing I can remember going on in the town I grew up in in the 70s.

      I was at school with a mate who was effectively un-existed and we weren't allowed to ask questions about why. He just wasn't there any more in my boarding school and it was weird. Eventually it transpired that he had met up with another lad behind the tennis courts for a quick mutual for 50p and the Headteacher had expelled the older of the two.

      Boarding schools. All-male boarding schools.
      Oh no!

      Cooped up with all that fervent wankery. Not seeing girls apart from elderly house matrons for weeks. No wonder bullyramming goes same-sex. For people who are gay. For people who are straight. For the rainbow in between.

      I could have put my boys through on a discount ticket but wild horses wouldn't make me do that to my kids. I have taught them how to play rugby, how to march, how to strip down a sten gun and how to sin and not get caught on home turf. It saved me thousands.

      I just don't think that kind of witch-hunt attitude exists any more, unless I'm completely blind. And I'm very pleased it doesn't for the few gay mates I have in their 20s and their 50s - and for my kids if they are gay.

      Sorry to go on a bit but it's been on my mind and I felt like declaring my open mind to this topic like a tanked-up hippy.


      Elton's 62 and the David is 47ish.

      I was last a Daddy at 39, I think. So I reckon 47 would be OK. My Dad was 42 when I was born... Yeah...

      OK, surely?


      • #33
        PS Tried to pass on the Latin but they're more into Reason and Final Cut Pro. Their loss.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Robusto View Post
          PS Tried to pass on the Latin but they're more into Reason and Final Cut Pro. Their loss.
          A brief summary of Cities in Sound's new Audio Guide around four of the most historic Cigar Stores in London

          Quod erat demonstrandum
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • #35
            Excellent, Nic!

            Thank you.


            • #36
              did not realise David was only 47 was thinking more about Elton i guess any thing up to 55 is ok, i think any older and it restricts the things you can do as they get older


              • #37
                We know a couple of lesbians 15 miles away who adopted a kid who was less than a year old. All is going well.

                What's normal at the end of the day? I kind of lumber through Marks and Spencer normality by day for family bread and water and it's grey trousers dull. Its got nothing to do with sexuality. I like rubbing up against people with glowing minds. You can have enough of dead batteries. Pass the sloe gin and cop for a 60 ring.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Puff Scotty View Post
                  Am I missing something?? Two men together, morality??
                  I went to bed on Earth in 2010 & have woken up on another planet this year! must stay orf the Campari....
                  hay Puff you seem to have quite a closed mind when it comes to homosexuality pesonally i think the more gay men the better it leaves more women for the non gay men, also i always worry when people protest to much, trying to hide something?

                  P.S nice to have you back


                  • #39
                    I always think that what you do behind your bedroom door is your affair, but is it just me that feels slightly uneasy when I hear a man talking about his husband?
                    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                    CS Parnell


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by peanutpete View Post
                      hay Puff you seem to have quite a closed mind when it comes to homosexuality pesonally i think the more gay men the better it leaves more women for the non gay men, also i always worry when people protest to much, trying to hide something?

                      P.S nice to have you back
                      Nice to be back!
                      Closed mind? No.
                      Closet Gay? No.

                      I just happen to think that those travelling on the other bus should park quietly out of sight!
                      I believe that too much 'positive' homosexuality is just another level downwards in our already weak kneed Khazi of society ... soon you'll be able to do anything you want anywhere you want as long as at least 3 other idiots say it's O.K....
                      That's not the democracy I want to live in!
                      For the morality side I wish the spotty little oiks running out of control would turn to buggery then I wouldn't have to pay for all the underage pregnancies from my tax....


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Puff Scotty View Post
                        For the morality side I wish the spotty little oiks running out of control would turn to buggery then I wouldn't have to pay for all the underage pregnancies from my tax....
                        Interesting, I can't see Ken Livingston running on that ticket but strangely I could see Ann Widdecombe going for it!!
                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                        • #42
                          Ahoy Opportunity!

                          Originally posted by nicwing View Post

                          Senor Nic the Huckster! Never miss a chance.

                          Example # 2

                          Hey BB! That's an example of Photo Shop, not Final Cut Pro!

                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros

