Domo Arigato, Senor Robusto, for the Bond post. Made me think that this is the perfect board for a consideration of who is the best bond. What say you, fellow BOTLs?
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The Best Bond: Poll
Well Roger Moore isn't my fav Bond, but he was in my fav Bond film - Live and Let Die (that also had the best soundtrack), where even his naff safari suit didn't spoil things too much..."The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life"
Bill Shankly
Much as Roger Moore's style cracks me up, I had to vote Timothy Dalton as he was my fave.
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Connery all the way for me. But Moore had one of the best lines- end of moonraker- " I think he's attempting reentry sir" as all the top brass are looking at a monitor of his return to earth while on the screen behind he is getting up to his usual antics ."For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543
Despite my appreciation of Dalton (as noted on the other Bond thread) it is, and always will be Sean Connery.
Let's face it, Ian Fleming was so impressed with his portrayal he gave the literary Bond a Scottish education to account for the accent (I think).
Originally posted by Gordonbcb View PostLet's face it, Ian Fleming was so impressed with his portrayal he gave the literary Bond a Scottish education to account for the accent (I think).
But paid for by English tax payers no doubt!
C'mon then let's be 'avin yer. . .
(Ohhh so controversial, and so early in the morning - somebody woke up cranky!)
Connery for me too though!Originally posted by DRAGMASTEREvery time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.
I went with Moore. It's a tricky one as I didn't so much care for the slapstick antics in his Bond films (Connery made the better films IMO), but he's just more "Bond".
Let's face it, Ian Fleming was so impressed with his portrayal he gave the literary Bond a Scottish education to account for the accent (I think).
So that means that Roger Moore was the original Bond in my eyes
Sorry, I'm a bit of a Bond geekI'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
Josh Ritter, "Other Side"
I think this is almost as difficult to answer as the 'what is your favourite Cuban' question...
I find it very hard to decide. There's something about Connery that I really like; Lazenby was a little unlucky; Moore got awful scripts (I couldn't stand his Bond, though whether that was his fault I don't know... far too comedic); I've always been a big fan of Dalton, and would probably rank The Living Daylights as my top Bond film; I really liked Brosnan's suave/sophisticated take on Bond, from a movie perspective, even if it didn't really match the books; I'm no real fan of Daniel Craig; and I'm not counting the original Casino Royale...
i dunno, for me....... sir roger moore kind of became bond (like the way mike reid became frank butcher, or david jason became del boy)!!! his performance encapsulated all i liked about the bond movies....... the 'tongue in cheekness' of them (remember folks, the bond movies required a hellovalot of 'suspension of disbelief)......... plus he could rock the safari suits and tuxedos like no other (with the exception of dalton and brosnan, the tuxedos i'm referring to lol)!!!
on the whole, i don't think that time has been too kind to connery's movies, they all seem dated and old fashioned!!! sir roger moore's efforts seem to be lucky enough to have a timeless, nostalgic quality to them......... his portrayal (IMO) is 'carefree, yet with a sense of duty...... sophisticated and suave with a lot of humour'....... that does it for me!!!! he takes himself serious, but doesn't take himself serious, if you get what i mean.......
anyway, to me, sir roger moore will always be the greatest james bond ever!!!
ps: it's great that amazon sell the bond dvd boxsets by the actor as opposed to the entire set!!!! i only had to buy the films i really liked and saved a fortune too (i got it for something like ?20)........
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