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Are cigar smokers also cigarrette smokers?

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  • #16
    I smoked cigarettes from 13 to 28, the latter half of that was rolling tobacco. A couple of months after discovering cigars I realised they were fucking disgusting and rarely smoke them now. They make hangovers so much worse!
    I now smoke a few cigars a week and the occasional pipe, but will buy a packet of fags when I'm on holiday. Funnily enough I can smoke 40 in a weekend when I'm away and come home and not fancy one at all.


    • #17
      Fags (cigarettes for those across the pond) for about 25 years (30 a day) then Cafe Creme for about two years (between 5 and 10 a day) and then just stopped over night and went onto a stick pr two a week.


      • #18
        half the fun of smoking is the rituals, seems kind of a waste to spend all that money on a luxury resource and then wrap it in half-a-tree to smoke.

        guess they have to fund all their R&D programs tho.. would love to eavesdrop on one of those meetings. item 1 - q: how do we make our tobacco taste less like paper. a: buy a new financial manager LOL

        anyway no, pipe, hookah, cigar, even rollies (they make paper out of hemp yo), but packet cigarettes.. nah. add up all the smoke-break minutes and take an hour off work instead tbh.


        • #19

          I did not realise we were also discussing our musical tastes!
          I still enjoy jazz now and again, used to be a bit of a Miles Davis but now I'm more of a Humphrey Littleton!
          5 miles, that wasn't a run that was deportation!


          • #20
            Never smoked ciggys, love Jazz.


            • #21
              Gave up cigs 25 years ago. Can't stand the smell of someones cigarette.
              The alluring waft of cigar stink and, to a lesser degree, pipe pong, is somehow much more sophisticated and dare I say it, downright sexy.
              Well, that's what I keep telling the wife anyway.


              • #22
                Smoke about 10-15 cigs a day. Well not now. Limited myself down to about 5 a day, purely for financial reasons boooo.


                • #23
                  I'm afraid I'm still smoking cigs, not enjoying them as much as I used to, perhaps thats the pleasure of cigars taking over. I,ve been thinking about stopping a lot recently and I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment. I have to admit though, I do inhale just a little of the cigar smoke when I fire one up. I cant be the only one surely.


                  • #24
                    I've never smoked cigarettes, and have just one cigar a week and really enjoy that moment.

                    For some reason I see cigar smoking as a pursuit for gentlemen, and cigarettes are just a filthy habit for the common masses

                    No offence to anyone amongst the common masses on this forum of course........


                    • #25
                      I'm another one who only smokes cigars. Cigarettes never held any appeal for me.


                      • #26
                        Was a packet a day cigarette smoker till 5.5 years ago. Had smoked since I was 16. I gave them away then had nothing for a year before I allowed myself to take up cigar smoking because I enjoyed it, not because I needed it. Can not smoke a cigar for weeks without an issue.
                        What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Monkey Nuts View Post
                          For some reason I see cigar smoking as a pursuit for gentlemen, and cigarettes are just a filthy habit for the common masses
                          Oh man, me too! What's with that?! I hate to admit it, but I look down on cigarette smokers these days. I think it's my narcissitic traits emerging - I'm working on them

                          Used to smoke 5-10 a cigarettes a day, gave up a few years ago because my friend said she'd give me a bag of sweets a week if I gave up Started cigars after I was sure that I was able to keep the habit well managed - despite mild cravings after a cigar I can take it or leave it, and it's weeks between smokes for me.
                          I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
                          And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
                          Josh Ritter, "Other Side"


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by neilini View Post
                            Oh and i cant stand jazz anymore either

                            For my part, smoked for a year when I was 18, have an occiasional fag now, but dont really like the tast or smell.

                            Im up to 1-2 cigars a day though.
                            The running gears of a bopmachine


                            • #29
                              I wouldn't go far as to say that I look down on cigarette smokers (not being biased you understand), but it is not a good habit. A habit I do intend to give up very soon of course!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bambini View Post
                                Oh man, me too! What's with that?! I hate to admit it, but I look down on cigarette smokers these days
                                I guess we're probably snobs!!

